Help me Celebrate!


The Cheerleader
Jul 19, 2009
Reaction score
Section 132 row 20 / St.Pete Beach, FL/ Boone, NC
It it was great joy, happiness, and gratitude that I report being 20 years "Clean and Sober" today! 20 years and 1 day ago (it was a monday night) I had my last drink, drug, and cigarette. Life has been very good without them. :)
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Way to go dude! Probably the hardest thing you ever did or will have to do.

Congrats Mojo! That is a seriously big deal.

BTW - the Edit button is a trick gig. Click it twice (not a double click but rather two separate distinct clicks) and it should work for you. It is on the short list of things that management is working on fixing.
Congrats Mojo! That is a seriously big deal.

BTW - the Edit button is a trick gig. Click it twice (not a double click but rather two separate distinct clicks) and it should work for you. It is on the short list of things that management is working on fixing.

Hey, at least the "search" feature works here:laugh:
So, let me get this right. You're celebrating your sobriety in The Corner Pub? :)

Congrats, DC. There is nothing better than staring down your demons and kicking their collective butt. Good job!
Thanks again guys. It's really good to be alive today. That's what's it's all about. And while I don't miss it one bit, and haven't since around my first year without. I respect all of you that can enjoy spirits and keep your feet on the ground, and it absolutely doesn't bother me in the least, in fact I enjoy watching people having a good time, such as they do at the fedex tailgates. :thumbsup:
Little late to this thread, but just want to say congratulations. That really is an amazing accomplishment.
congrats, mojo!
buddy of mine took the same leap almost as long ago. it's been a long and winding road for him, but life is good now. stay strong!
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