Happy Holidays Everyone

Burgundy Burner

The Commissioner
Joe Gibbs Club Member
Oct 1, 2009
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
Alma Mater
Instead of the usual greetings, I want to post something that is near and dear to my heart. A short time ago, I got a call from an old friend - we haven't talked in more than twenty years. We share(d) a common bond that very few can comprehend. The neighborhood where I grew up had more Vietnam POWs than any other in the nation. Many of us had a bond that was unlike any other and we can still feel that connection to this very day. My father was never shot down - he was one of the fortunate souls - but the force that united the sons and daughters was very unique - it's still unique to the present day.

I want to share this homecoming video of POWs from Vietnam and the iconic picture that defined the reuniting of loved ones. There is nothing like a military homecoming. And there is nothing like spending time with family, loved ones, and friends at this time of the year.

Happy Holidays Everyone.



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