Halftime Quotes - Jim Zorn (Skins vs. Patriots)


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Redskins Head Coach Jim Zorn Halftime Quotes

vs. New England – August 28, 2009

On Jason Campbell’s performance in the first half:

“I was very pleased. He was very much into the game. He was competing hard and doing the things that you want. We missed on a couple of long ones but he came back and was running the show.”

On the big plays tonight:

“We’re executing. When you get protection - when you get pass protection - you can do a lot more things. You can run these longer developing plays. Our offensive line, I’m very pleased with how they played, particularly protecting the quarterback. They are improving each week, and they are certainly doing it today.”

On Marcus Mason:

“We’re trying to mix the backfield action both with Clinton [Portis] and Marcus [Mason]. We’re trying to get a feel for him. Ladell [Betts] did a great job in that last two-minute drill. It’s kind of a community backfield in this particular game.”

On his impression of the first half:

“I’m glad we are competing and we are hanging in there with a tremendous football team.”

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