Hail! Magazine: It's Coming...


The Commissioner
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
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Greensboro, NC
Military Branch
Marine Corps
Alma Mater

In the very near future, a new online Redskin's magazine, HAIL!, will launch. The weekly magazine will feature great content including analysis of upcoming and previous week's games, exclusive Skins photos and video, player interviews, 'Where are they now?' profiles of former Redskin greats, and a lot more.

It promises to be a unique offering for rabid fans. You might even see some familiar faces there.

Best of all - it's FREE.

If you haven't registered for your free subscriptions, now's your chance!
Will this be something that is emailed to us, or will we have to remember to check online for it weekly?

Sounds great!
I believe you'll be emailed a link to each week's edition kirbster...
I believe you'll be emailed a link to each week's edition kirbster...

Can they make the email look like a porno offer?

I don't want my wife to find out how much time I've been spending on the Redskins.
Just don't click on any emails titled:

RU hot for burgundy and gold *****? Click here for *****

That one's from me :)
Wow! I'm going to have to get my bookmark ready. :)

-BTW, subscription DONE!
Boone, who is behind this? And if I subscribe, is my email and snail mail addresses going to be spammed to hell? I don't see any kind of privacy statement.

Anyway, just curious. :)
I don't think he'd mind me saying so... but Brian Murphy (who you likely are familiar with) and Eric Espada, an NFL photo/videographer, are key players. And I can with some confidence assure you that your email address will only be used to notify you of new issues. I think they've absolutely committed to that, although I agree - it should probably be more clearly stated.

Hope that helps.
I don't think he'd mind me saying so... but Brian Murphy (who you likely are familiar with) and Eric Espada, an NFL photo/videographer, are key players. And I can with some confidence assure you that your email address will only be used to notify you of new issues. I think they've absolutely committed to that, although I agree - it should probably be more clearly stated.

Hope that helps.

Ha, I definitely trust Murphy, and didn't think there were any evil intentions behind this...just thought I'd ask. You can't be too careful these days!

EDIT: Subscription completed!
I signed up put in my email address and the next thing I know I was getting an email from a guy in Nigeria who said he represents a wealthy businessman that needs my help in getting a $100 million mistake out of Ashburn.:confused:
Hey! Butt out Alaskan. I got the email months ago and that money is all mine.

Less than 10 days until the launch of Hail! Magazine.
Got my subscription!
Rats, Boone you know when you get around my age the ol' memory starts to have hiccups and I'd actually forgotten about this. Would've been a nice surprise til' you bumped the thread and reminded me.:frown2:
Pretty amped up for this guys - I think it's really going to be a nice feature for Redskins fans. Props to the owners for keeping it free. :cheers:
I'm excited about it and looking forward to what/how the magazine will contribute to everything Redskins.

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