I have Group Health currently, but in about a month we re-new health coverage at work and I can switch to Premera Blue Cross. I have a basic idea of the differences, but would like some input/advice.
here are some basics of the plans (as Individual)
It will be $6 a month more for PBC than Group Health.
Office visit co-pays = same.
Deductible PBC $500/ GH $200
Out of Pocket Limt for PBC is $2,000/ GH $1,000
Emergency visit co-pay = same
Diagnostic imaging (preventive, included mammogram) =PBC- covered in full/ GH- Deductible unless admitted into hosptial
Rehabilitation (massage therapy/physical therapy/speach Therapy)=Same
Prescriptions= same co pays
I know that information only scratches the surface of coverage. What else should I take into consideration before deciding?
here are some basics of the plans (as Individual)
It will be $6 a month more for PBC than Group Health.
Office visit co-pays = same.
Deductible PBC $500/ GH $200
Out of Pocket Limt for PBC is $2,000/ GH $1,000
Emergency visit co-pay = same
Diagnostic imaging (preventive, included mammogram) =PBC- covered in full/ GH- Deductible unless admitted into hosptial
Rehabilitation (massage therapy/physical therapy/speach Therapy)=Same
Prescriptions= same co pays
I know that information only scratches the surface of coverage. What else should I take into consideration before deciding?