Group Health or Premera Blue Cross


The Rookie
Jul 27, 2009
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
Military Branch
Air Force
I have Group Health currently, but in about a month we re-new health coverage at work and I can switch to Premera Blue Cross. I have a basic idea of the differences, but would like some input/advice.

here are some basics of the plans (as Individual)
It will be $6 a month more for PBC than Group Health.
Office visit co-pays = same.
Deductible PBC $500/ GH $200
Out of Pocket Limt for PBC is $2,000/ GH $1,000
Emergency visit co-pay = same
Diagnostic imaging (preventive, included mammogram) =PBC- covered in full/ GH- Deductible unless admitted into hosptial
Rehabilitation (massage therapy/physical therapy/speach Therapy)=Same
Prescriptions= same co pays

I know that information only scratches the surface of coverage. What else should I take into consideration before deciding?
The best approach to take with this, is look at your overall health. Then compare your health now to where it was 10 years ago. If it's the same or better, keep what you've got. If it's worse, even slightly, then you should make the switch.

I can tell you from past experience, the last position you want to be in is one where you need an MRI/CT/Etc. and don't have the couple of hundred dollars for the deductible, plus the bill that will come afterwards. The reason being, they charge up the ass for those things.

I personally think it's worth it to spend the extra money for better coverage. If it was me, I'd switch.

Two additional major things you should consider........

1. Do you have a primary care doctor that you like going to? If you do, does that doctor take the other insurance?

2. Being a female, you should look into which has the best OB/GYN coverage.
Is Premera Blue Cross associated w/ BCBS? That's who I have for insurance and I love them.
I switched from BCBS to Anthem. Both are awesome, the only reason I switched is because there isn't anyone who doesn't take Anthem. If they are associated with BCBS, it's a big plus and another reason to switch.
Blue Cross Blue Shield.

oh I want to say no, but not for sure.

There is a presentation seminar on Nov 10th for both. I signed up to go, should know more then.

I'm leaning toward PBC, especially since I'll have more choice on which doctors I see. My healthcare is still pretty cheap for me compared to many people. My main concern with health is more injury related rather than me getting sick. Chances are I would be injured snowboarding or some other activity and need care like a surgery repair before I'd get sick enough to go to the hospital.

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