Gibbs: 'I'd refer you to the memo'


I charge you with false advertising. No Joe Gibbs here people, no Joe Gibbs. There is nothing to see .... please keep moving....
I thought (just for a second) about putting it in the SoW section;)

Just a second

I charge you with false advertising. No Joe Gibbs here people, no Joe Gibbs. There is nothing to see .... please keep moving....

LOL! I knew exactly who it was. Didn't the sidestep of a statement make it obvious?
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I turned in my 'political junkie' ID card a couple years ago brother. I'm much happier now knowing that all politicians suck. I don't have to read the details anymore :)

I charge you with false advertising. No Joe Gibbs here people, no Joe Gibbs. There is nothing to see .... please keep moving....

Boone, cut Sarge some slack here, man. He had to come up with something to get people to dig in without a preliminary "Hmmmm, is the bear in the cave or can I go ahead and investigate?":anxious:

I check his posts out for the adrenalin rush anyway. :laugh2:
I know Boone, just fanning the flame a little. :bucktooth:


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I turned in my 'political junkie' ID card a couple years ago brother. I'm much happier now knowing that all politicians suck. I don't have to read the details anymore :)

Makes it a lot easier, doesn't it? Have zero faith in any politicians, then be pleasantly surprised if they ever do anything non-corrupt or *gasp* GOOD.

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