FYI ... Live Blogging Redskins vs Texans


Burgundy & Gold Jacket
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Montclair, VA
Just a heads up ... Boone and I will be panelists in a "Live Blog" of today's game on TBD.

It's set to go live at 3:30 pm EST, at which time we'll post a direct link.

If you've got nothing better to do, plan to open an additional browser window and check it out. Not sure how comments will be moderated, if at all. We'll pass that info along as well.

Here's to having a happy game to talk about ... :cool:
Come join us people....
I tried to switch back and forth, but kept getting kicked off the chat here when I did that. Finally gave up and stayed in the chat. Are you guys gonna be doing this often?
Not sure, GD. The invite came late in the week and we thought it was a good chance to spread the good word on BGO...and maybe even have a grin or two. Not sure how seriously TBD is taking the thing at this point though, it wasn't advertised that we could tell and the reader turnout was pretty sparse.

I think there's a chance to do some good stuff there---the TBD network is doing some pretty good work digging roots into the DC community and the people we've talked to are sharp. If we're invited back we'll definitely have to consider it, but we'll probably want to have a little bit better feel for their long-term plans and marketing strategy before committing to anything long term.

We'll mention that you got booted, however.

You also have our assurance that BGO Chat isn't going anywhere. That's just way too much fun to let lie fallow. :)

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