From the 'It Could Be Worse' Files


The Commissioner
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Apr 11, 2009
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Greensboro, NC
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Courtesy of :)


What is up with the cage dancers?
I never in my lifetime saw anything as cheesy as that mess last night.

I hate Jerry Jones.

He got what he deserved last night.

He should go buy out Barnum and Bailey.

I never in my lifetime saw anything as cheesy as that mess last night.

I hate Jerry Jones.

He got what he deserved last night.

He should go buy out Barnum and Bailey.



Just bring a stack of $1s to the stadium


I thought it was pretty funny. LOL good ole Jerrah.

Just got this text message from a buddy of mine watching at home: "I can't believe there are pole dancers. How funny." For the record, the women shaking it atop of the end zone platforms are called the Miller Lite Rythm & Blue dancers.

Jerry said he visited many other venues to come up with ideas for the stadium. Apparently there were some field trips in the name of "research" to some of the local "scrip" clubs. Wonder if he made it rain?

Jerry has made a laughing stock out of Dallas for the rest of the National Football League since Jimmy Johnson told "The Joker" Jones to get thee behind him.

Lastnights' fiasco was just another 15 year encore with lifetimes more lining up for the future right in front of our eyes.

The real Ring Leader of this Circus Jones is Jerry Jones and opening the New Stadium only reinforces that he will never let his death grip of this franchise go.

Meanwhile the rest of the world watches this drive by of fellow NFL fans which are the real clowns in his Circus.
I thought they were ridiculous.
That was embarrassing. For all the good things he has done for the Cowboys he does some pretty stupid things at times.
Jerry? Not so much.
those are horrible. they were straight out of austin powers.

They are to my right and I kept looking up there trying to figure out what the heck the point is?

just more stuff for the national media to insult and make fun of us for.
As a Heterosexual Male...I liked them.
He got popped pretty good on the local ABC affiliates news broadcast too and the word "cheese" was used a lot.
Nothing says 'class franchise' like bitches and ho's gettin' busy in a crows nest.

I mean, I could hardly believe my eyes.

All Jerrah needed was a giant Golden Calf at halftime to complete the scene.

Maybe he's saving that for next week's Monday nighter :)
You guys have it all wrong.

He's crushing Wade's head.
Not sure what is worse...the dancers or drummers wearing those gay popeye outfits with big blue star. lol
Not sure what is worse...the dancers or drummers wearing those gay popeye outfits with big blue star. lol
All I could think when I saw the photo was, “Do those sailors know they’re not at a strip club?”

Thanks for posting this, Boone. The comments at CowboysZone were hilarious.
You guys are killing me. I can't stop laughing at this thread. Thanks for making my day!
It's got to feel a long, long way from the glory days for fan's of 'Americas Team', don't cha think???

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