Favorite Thing About Redskins' Football?


The Commissioner
Aug 1, 2009
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Alma Mater
Florida State
OK guys, i have many reasons to be excited about the fall, the most important being Redskins' football! Yeah, I know they are not that good and it could be a very painful season for fans to endure, but we always have this!

So, what is your favorite part of Redskins' football?
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The traditions...'Hail to the Redskins', the Marching Band, the Super Bowl memories, the uniforms and helmets through the years, that's really what has always been my favorite part of being a Redskins fan. They are one of the classic teams with incredible history - even 20 years of mostly suckage haven't changed that.

Btw. This is a trick question. There's only one real answer.

Kicking Dallas' ass. FTW.
Kicking Dallas' ass. FTW.


And it seems to go in nearly 20 year cycles with the Skins. Late 40's we started to see a decline and it wasn't until the late 60's that we saw the team get better. Then a little more than 20 years and we began to see the fall of our great 20 year run. Here's hoping the next 20 years finds us back in the thick of things!

And Mike, I would go into battle anytime knowing you had my back!

I will second everything that has been said thus far.

Adding - tailgates. I've never been to a Redskins tailgate. That needs to change. It was supposed to happen last year - uh, but ya'll know what happened there.

Wouldn't mind seeing a BGO tailgate at some point.
Nov. 6. Not sure, but I'll see if it is possible.

One other thing. Living in Eagles territory is a challenge. But I love wearing Redskins gear around here. Most fans are cool about it and I have some good conversations that come out of nowhere like the mall, the gym, etc. When some get a little pushy, I ask them to take me to their Super Bowl trophy case in South Philly.
Nov 6 is my birthday. I'll be 29. For the 5th time. If we are doing a BGO Tailgate, I will see if I can come, that sounds awesome.
Man, I still watch Monk's standing ovation about once a month. Redskins nation truly is a family. Look no further than people like Pez & Huly to reaffirm that.
Nov 6 is my birthday. I'll be 29. For the 5th time. If we are doing a BGO Tailgate, I will see if I can come, that sounds awesome.

Hey, Nov 7th is my birthday. I'll be turning 29 for the 3rd time.
Man, I still watch Monk's standing ovation about once a month. Redskins nation truly is a family. Look no further than people like Pez & Huly to reaffirm that.

One of the most impressive displays of human expression I have ever witnessed, nearly 5 minutes to honor one of our own. I am so grateful I made it out for that occasion!
One of the most impressive displays of human expression I have ever witnessed, nearly 5 minutes to honor one of our own. I am so grateful I made it out for that occasion!

Yeah, me too. It was probably amazing on TV, but being there in person and being part of the ovation was just incredible. My favorite part is when he turned to the other inductees and just raised his hands in a "what can I do?" kind of gesture. So awesome!
There isn't anything beside loosing a game that I don't love about the Skins.

I know this may sound off the wall, but one of my favorite things is watching the crazy ranting on message boards by fans after games, win or loose. It's quite entertaining....
the best thing about this year's team?

no prima donnas. this squad seems to be about TEAM again for the first time in 15 years or more years.

that may not translate into more than 6 or 7 wins in 2011 but it will lay the foundation for a core of players that take this team toward contender status down the road.

Jenkins and Hankerson look like they very well might end up as starters by the end of their rookie seasons, if not earlier.
My favorite thing?? The eternal fountain of hope that is the NFL Offseason.

The fact that everybody is 0-0 and having the pleasure of watching them play the games, live... for the first time in quite a few years.

I gotta tell you guys, I absolutely love being on the sidelines taking pictures of the team in action!
I gotta tell you guys, I absolutely love being on the sidelines taking pictures of the team in action!
I wish I had a skill that could get me close to the team. I can write about them all day long, but there are a million other writers, and like an idiot I didn't get a degree in sports journalism, even though that was what I really wanted to do. So I'm stuck watching on tv week after week. I envy anyone that's been able to see them live, because it's something I've tried and failed to do for 31 years.

Your pictures that you've posted here of various things are very impressive. I'm not just trying to stroke your ego either, you take some of the most amazing pictures I've ever seen and I admire that. Do you have a website with more of your work on it?

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