Excruciating Pain, Unable To Walk. Taking Bets On What It Will Be


Super Bowl MVP
Apr 1, 2011
Reaction score
Virginia Beach, VA
Military Branch
Let's see who's the best internet doctor :D I already have an appointment scheduled for the morning, so I'm not looking for a diagnosis, just want to see if anyone has any guesses in case they've been through this before.

I woke up and went to step out of bed just as I always do. As soon as I planted my left foot, I collapsed to the floor in immense pain. The pain wasn't the only reason I collapsed. On top of the pain, my foot was so extremely weak, that even had it not hurt so bad, I probably still would've collapsed, because it just wasn't going to support me.

The best way to describe the pain is to say it is easily the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life, and it's by a very wide margin. I have an extremely high pain tolerance, way more so than most people I know. Some examples in recent memory of things I have done that didn't hurt as bad, just so you can gauge the pain level we're talking here.....

When I was 18, I was playing football at a city park. I ran across the field, oblivious to the wrought iron grill cemented into the ground. I hit it on the bottom corner at full speed in full stride with my knee cap. I shattered the concrete and nearly uprooted the grill. That didn't hurt as bad.

When I sold Red Bull, I was using a box cutter to cut open a case. The knife slipped, and I cut off the tip of my thumb, just under the bottom of the nail, about 1/2 an inch of my thumb. Like an idiot, I popped open a tube of super glue, glued it back on (which gave me a wicked infection) and finished out the day before going to the ER. That didn't hurt as bad.

I also once walked barefoot through a house that was still being built. I stepped on a raised nail that went through the big joint in the middle of my big toe, and it went through nail head first. That didn't hurt as bad.

I also pulled an abscessed tooth with a pair of pliers in one of my ultimate stupid decisions. So now you know what kind of pain we're talking.

The pain is very localized to the left side of the heel on the back of my left foot, about an inch above the sole of my foot, and maybe half an inch to the left of my Achilles. I swear to you, even something as mild as gently placing my foot on a pillow feels like a pick axe is being driven into that spot.

I have had gout in my heel before, which was damn near as severe, and achilles tendonitis. This is worse than both, and too far off to the side to be either one. I have tried ice, heat, 800mg Motrin, 500mg Vicodin, and Voltaren - all meds prescribed for various other conditions over the years, none have put so much as a dent in the pain. I have been alternating between crawling and using crutches to get around all day.

So, does anyone have any guesses as to what the hell this could be? Even keeping it raised in the air without it touching anything hurts. It is pretty amazing how bad it is for such a small spot. I have an appointment first thing in the morning, I'm just wondering if anyone has had this before, and what it could be.

The winner wins 5,000 internet points and an internet doctor award.
Well, clearly, someone broke into your house and shot you in the foot while you were sleeping. ;)

But in all seriousness, I hope it's something minor and easy to fix. Keep us posted.
That's textbook gout pain Extreme. Very few things hurt as badly as a severe gout attack.
That's textbook gout pain Extreme. Very few things hurt as badly as a severe gout attack.


Speaking from experience - that is exactly what it is. I'm certain of it. I have what is known as pseudo-gout - the stuff I go through causes gout-like symptoms, but it is easily treated.

In your case, it is probably the real thing and you will be on medication for the rest of your life. The meds will keep it in check and it will be fine - if this is gout.
Sounds like gonaherpasyphalites with a small dose of Aids but dont take my word for it go to you DR appointment in the morning
I've had gout attacks before, but if this is gout too, it's by far the worst it's ever been. Mike, I was kinda thinking platar fasciitis too, just because I hear that hurts so bad it can drive you crazy, but I'll see.

Damn 26, I hope it's not the Aids or foot herpes :laugh:
Interesting find this morning. They took urine and blood samples, along with an X-ray. My uric acid levels were through the roof, but the X-ray also showed a very healthy heel spur, right to the left of where the Achilles Tendon attaches to the bone.

So the diagnosis is a double. Acute gouty arthritis and a heel spur. I was also told I have the extra good luck of likely developing kidney stones as a result of the uric acid. Phew, I was so jealous that I got to witness the crippling agony of that with my relatives, at least now I get to be a member of the crying like a little girl club when I get one :(

I don't get how I have gout really. Every single medical dietary guideline that exists for gout, I have followed for years since I got my first attack. I can tell you for certain the dietary guidelines are bull****, I am proof they don't work. I don't drink, I don't take aspirin, I don't eat shellfish or red meat except on rare occasions, I eat a lot of dried fruit. I do every single thing they tell you to do, and it just doesn't work. maybe my body just hates me.

So he gave me Allopurinol, which he said won't get rid of it, but helps to prevent future attacks. He also gave me Colchicine, which I will not be taking after reading up on it.

Oh, I don't know what kind of number scale they use, but my uric acid level was a 9.7. He said that's high, but didn't elaborate.
I think normal is jsut under 6...but that is something read on a Neuro board a while back. On the good news side, the lower scores were corellated with ALS...so try to remember while it hurts there is an upside in terms of what it means you likely don't have:) Think of it like ants in the kitchen as ants don't usually coexist with termites. Feel better? lol
Lol, funny timing for that post Sarge, my sister's go to response every time anyone has anything wrong with them is to tell them with a straight face that it's cancer. Yeah, she's sick lol.
Like I said...and Boone too. Just knew that this was it - too obvious.

You're on these meds for life, but all will be ok from this point forward. You can't donate blood for the rest of your life as well.

Take care of yourself.
Funny, I just saw this thread....was gonna say plantar fascitis but that doesn't hurt as much as you're describing. Hurts bad, but not worse than, say, a smashed kneecap.

My second guess was bone spur....but I didn't think the pain was quite as high as you described either. Turns out it's in part correct.

NOt sure how bad gout feels....but it sounds horrific.

One thing that'll help a lot is a good old fashioned shot of cortizone in your heel at the point of pain. That'll fix ya up a bit right away. Few days, anyway.

Good luck, buddy.....
My dad has gout...one thing I've found a lot of anecdotal stuff on the web about is that incorporating cherries into your diet can be pretty effective. I have no idea if there's truth to it, but some people swear it's extremely effective. Just throwing it out there.

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