Commanders News (Social Media)

I think we inevitably lose coaches next year. However Quinn has the experience now that you can’t let everyone walk out the door…much like is happening with Detroit right now
I think we inevitably lose coaches next year. However Quinn has the experience now that you can’t let everyone walk out the door…much like is happening with Detroit right now
Agree. Yesterdays interview on Command Center, which I think was right after the presser, Harris mentioned something to the effect that they are trying their best to keep the coaches here. It was kind of subtle and low key but I got the impression he is very aware of losing coaches (believe he used the word "poached") and I wouldn't be surprised if there might be some contracts being "reworked". Inevitably we will lose some but I think the team will try is best to keep the ones they really value. Also gotta imagine there is a succession plan in place.
Last news on the name. It's not changing folks. Going to be Commanders for the foreseen future.

Awesome, now I never have to buy a single thing. My old Redskins stuff will last forever anyway.

I'll never own an item that has Snyders dumb name on it.
I dunno. I don't mind Peters using every tool in his toolkit, but I also want him to value those tools. I don't want him to waste draft picks. Some GMs really undervalued draft picks and threw them away at the first whiff of a trade option. McNabb for a second? Sure! Wilson for three firsts? Why not! Trade three firsts for Myles Garret and then our second, third, and fifth for Kupp? Great deal! Ricky Williams for an entire draft? Sounds good to me!

So no, I don't want Peters to be trade happy. I want him to value the draft more and act in ways that let us win the trade. Doncic for Davis and a first? That's the kind of trade I want to see.
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I dunno. I don't mind Peters using every tool in his toolkit, but I also want him to value those tools. I don't want him to waste draft picks. Some GMs really undervalued draft picks and through them away at the first whiff of a trade option. McNabb for a second? Sure! Wilson for three firsts? Why not! Trade three firsts for Myles Garret and then our second, third, and fifth for Kupp? Great deal! Ricky Williams for an entire draft? Sounds good to me!

So no, I don't want Peters to be draft happy. I want him to value the draft more and act in ways that let us win the trade. Doncic for Davis and a first? That's the kind of trade I want to see.
If you are comparing getting Myles Garrett to those historically awful trades, I can certainly see why you would be against it! This is the first I’ve heard of three first round picks, so yeah, I’d be against it too at that point. Looks like we agree on using every tool in the tool kit, so either you trust AP to make the right decision on what’s a good value or you’re hoping we get a new GM. We all have our opinions, of course. For me, anything up to two firsts for MG works, regardless of any past Snyder blunders.

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