Commanders News (Social Media)

what ever happened with Newmark and the Jets? is he staying too?
Yes, the Jets wound up going a different direction. I forget who they chose, but Lance wasn't their man.
Yeah, Seattle might have had JD for the next decade. Seattle GM must feel pretty stupid.
Yeah but Wilson had to be on board with the trade and he wanted to go to Denver.
Random thought post stemming from the idea that there ought to be a way to get the best players actually to be a part of the Pro Bowl. Would a virtual Pro Bowl be better than what the NFL produces?

It's not all Jayden Daniels. He's the sar and the engine that made things run, but the team identity is more than just him. This is a team and not a star vehicle.

Doesn't seem like a lateral move, anyone seen any word on how we were able to block this?
I was wondering about that, too.
Doesn't seem like a lateral move, anyone seen any word on how we were able to block this?
As far as I know, the latest NFL language disallows blocking "Coordinator" promotions. So, specifically, OC, DC, Special Teams Coordinator -- no blocking. Anything else is fair game.
As far as I know, the latest NFL language disallows blocking "Coordinator" promotions. So, specifically, OC, DC, Special Teams Coordinator -- no blocking. Anything else is fair game.
They probably did that because teams began attaching assistant head coach to every coaching position to give teams ability to block moves. Heck, we were starting to see assistant quality control coaches with a head coaching subtitle.
They probably did that because teams began attaching assistant head coach to every coaching position to give teams ability to block moves. Heck, we were starting to see assistant quality control coaches with a head coaching subtitle.
I think it worked in the other direction too; if they wanted to get a specific guy for potential succession plans, they could promise a "promotion" with a pseudo title and that way hold onto a guy they liked.

There is a lot of playing with the rules to get competitive advantages; one of the biggest that fans tend to be less aware of (not saying on this forum, but general fans) is with compensatory picks. It's crazy how some of the teams can play the system.
Just read the article. It's not even an agent rumor. It's a random guy at Bleacher Report.
Doesn't seem like a lateral move, anyone seen any word on how we were able to block this?

You only can't block if it's a promotion to a coordinator position.

Since this a move from assistant QB coach to QB coach, Washington can block it.

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