Clarence Clemons, the 'Big Man', 'Minister of Soul', Heart of the E Street Band, gone


The Commissioner
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Apr 11, 2009
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Greensboro, NC
Military Branch
Marine Corps
Alma Mater

First, Danny Federici, whose organ playing soared unmistakably in the E Street Band background, lost to cancer. Now, the very heart of the E Street Band, sax player Clarence Clemons, victim of a massive stroke.

I'm generally not one to mourn the loss of a celebrity. But Clarence was a stalwart in the greatest band of the last 20 years, and the greatest rock and roll sax player. Ever.

I'm not going to lie, I fought back tears driving home from a family gathering tonight. Godspeed Big Man. Heaven just gained one bitching wailing sax player.

The Minister of Soul is gone. But never forgotten.

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Just heard the news a few minutes ago - sad to hear it. He was a big part of that group. It would have the same impact if Chicago had lost one of their brass players (Terry Kath was significant enough) along the way.
He was a regular at a restaurant I worked in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. What struck me about him, other than his generosity, was that he was a very large man. R.I.P. Clearance Clemons. I will always remember how very generous you were to me.
RIP - although I didn't know who he was until his death announcement - I just knew him as a youth program coordinator in "The Wire." Not a very big Springsteen fan, I guess...
He was a regular at a restaurant I worked in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. What struck me about him, other than his generosity, was that he was a very large man. R.I.P. Clearance Clemons. I will always remember how very generous you were to me.

According to Nightly News, he was set to play for the Browns when he had a car accident, and blew out a knee, ending his hopes of an NFL career.

Only got to see him play once, just by chance at the Pony. Bruce and the band just walked onto the stage in between sets of South Side Johnny. The jam later was amazing...

RIP Big Man

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