Chris Hanburger - Pro Football Hall Of Famer

Burgundy Burner

The Commissioner
Joe Gibbs Club Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Memphis, TN
Alma Mater
That feels so good to say and type. Finally!

Congratulations Mr. Hanburger. It's been too long in coming, but glad that you are there. Enjoy this time and may the memories last forever.
It's gratifying that the incredible players of the great Washington Redskins teams of my childhood are finally beginning to get the recognition they deserve. Now there are a couple of 'Hogs' that should be next on the list.

All hail Chris Hanburger :cheers:

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Glad he finally made it in. Too bad it took so effing long..............
I'm not cleared to travel yet and this could force me to miss the DDP again. But, I am going to do my darndest to get to Canton.
John Keim tweet...

Just realized, this HOF class has a Hanburger and a Hotdog (Deion). Thank you, I'll be here all week

Keim is a baaaaad man.
Congrats are in order. It was my father's love for Chris Hanburger that played part in my becoming a Redskins' fan! He and Pat Fischer were my Dad's favorites! In turn, Chrius Hanburger was one of my favorites.

Congratulations Mr. Hanburger!
Congrats are in order. It was my father's love for Chris Hanburger that played part in my becoming a Redskins' fan! He and Pat Fischer were my Dad's favorites! In turn, Chrius Hanburger was one of my favorites.

Congratulations Mr. Hanburger!

You just made me feel old. Chris and Billy Kilmer were two of my favorite players as a kid.

Long overdue, and very well deserved.

Congrats Chris !
Overjoyed at this news! I was lucky enough to not only see him play at RFK but to meet him in person when I was 11 or 12. I still remember listening to the Chris Hanburger Redskins Report on WMAL in the afternoons during the 1972 season. He was my favorite defensive player during the late 60's/early 70's. Congrats to old #55!!!

wow! I must confess that I thought he'd be overwhelmed by the more current names on the candidate list. awesome!
Best news I heard all day! Congrats, Mr. Hanburger!
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
I have 5 jerseys

Larry Brown
Art Monk
Sean Taylor (a gift)
And Chris Hanburger

Congrats Mr. Hanburger

BTW, at the ceremony, please show everyone your signature high head shot...

on Peion.
Nice to see Mr. Hanburger at mid field! Representing the Skins!
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I also was lucky to see him play. Chances are he would have gone into Hall sooner if he was a self promoter or there was an ESPN back then.

It was great to see him there for the coin toss. Was Neon Deon suppose be part of halftime show? His shirt and tie looked like something that would glow in the dark.
Deion and his pink shirt :rolleyes2: It really WAS the Hanburger & Hot Dog show. :joker:
It also would have been nice per Rich Tandler if the Washington Post focused even 50% of the attention on Hanburger as it did on discussing Snyder and Haynesworth.

They still don't get it that most of us fans are interested in what the team does ON the field and not what happens off of it.

The Post has been full of negative stories about any possible item on the Redskins. It's a culture of hostility that has built up since Snyder has taken over the team.

He is at fault for some of it obviously, but the paper is as well.

Back in 1980 or 1990 the Post leads WOULD be about Hanburger or another Redskin making the Hall of Fame.

Haynesworth or another player getting busted for road rage would rate a secondary place on the sports page.

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