Bugel retiring

Seeing more reports that this is likely and that it may just postpone the announcement of Shanahan's hiring.

That would show a lot of class on the part of an organization sorely lacking in it recently.
A great move by Danny if he is gonna postpone the presser for Shanny.

Best of luck Buges, you will be missed.
Buges is responsible for one of the greatest Redskin and NFL traditions.
The Hogs.

Coach Bugel inspired players and always seemed to make the best of what he had.

He will be deeply missed by this guy.
Cheers Buges - one of the men on my top 5 list of guys to sit down and smoke a cigar and have a drink with. Oh the stories this man probably has!

Thanks for everything, Buges! Enjoy retirement!
He deserves the chance to go out on his terms. The Redskins owe a lot to Bugel for the service he has given this team.
He deserves a day in the spotlight of his own before the new regime is announced. What a career, Boss Hog! Thanks for the memories.
I think the team should finish the contract with Shanahan and go ahead with the press conference.

The time to honor Bugel is during the season in adding him to the Ring of Honor.

Rushing him out there for a hurried goodbye now makes no real sense.
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I agree with both Kirbster and Bulldog, Buges should be honored now and be in the Ring of Fame in 2010. We can't do enough to honor this man who has given and done so much for the Washington Redskins.
thanks buges you have truly been a redskin.

thanks for them hogs and enjoy your retirement.

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