Great piece Boone.
I tell you something I do know; I am quickly becoming apathetic about this team. I think there is a growing segment of fans who feel the same way. These aren’t band wagon or fair weather fans either. These are folks who have had season tickets for longer than Dan has been alive.
They know that the issue here is not just Jim Zorn.
They know that Dan and his cronies have turned a once proud franchise into a punch line.
They know that without a fundamental change in the organization our current situation will not change.
If the owners of the team choose to insult and chide the fans for not being “in the know” they do so at their own peril. It just makes it that much easier for current fans to find something else to invest their time, money and emotional stability in.
I think that's exactly right Hog Fever. Too many more years, seasons (months?, weeks?) of this and I think a lot of the core, hard core fanbase is just not tuning in on a regular basis.
Will they still look at the paper to see the score? Yeah, probably, but I don't think they're buying the season tickets and filling 90,000 seats, and buying millions in beers, hot dogs and paraphenilia.
Perhaps, that, in the desperation that it was cause in Snyder's office, will finally get something going in the right direction. I sort of doubt it though.
As long as Snyder controls this organization, I think the franchise is in trouble. I just don't think he's changing anytime soon--
There have been lessons aplenty in his time here, but none have really seemed to fundamentally refocus his energy and management style. And frankly, if you don't get it after 10 years of practice, I don't think the next decade or two will be much different.
Sally Jenkins was and is unfortunately right about him.