A four door Ferrari with a hatchback? The rapture indeed...

Lanky Livingston

Its not an unattractive car, in fact its pretty sexy - but there is just something not right about a Ferrari with a hatchback.


Hideous. That thing could make a train take a dirt road.
Yeah, but I bet it would be fun to drive through the Italian Alps!

It reminds me of Porsche's failed attempt at the 928.
That ...uh....interesting rear treatment will be getting a lot of negative comments I'm sure.

Of course with an estimated 0-62mph time of 3.7 seconds and top end of 208mph there also will be lots of opportunities for people to see it and maybe take pictures. lol! :rolleyes2:

There's something 'oh-so-familiar' about this look....

Oh yeah. I've got it now.


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You guys are funny.

This is like threads where dudes reply to a pic of some supermodel in a bikini with "meh--she's just aight." :cool4:

For the record ... Mr. Ferrari? If you'd like to send me one of these I'd be okay with that.
You guys are funny.

This is like threads where dudes reply to a pic of some supermodel in a bikini with "meh--she's just aight." :cool4:

For the record ... Mr. Ferrari? If you'd like to send me one of these I'd be okay with that.

Oh, for sure - some day I will have kids, and it would be awesome to pick them up from soccer practice at 175mph!
No thanks! I would prefer a Maserati!

Oh and supermodels are over rated, too skinny! :betterwink:
So looking at that thing I'm thinking maybe I can't count. Where are the four doors mentioned in the thread title?

Oh, I see going to the article it's not a four door hatchback, but a four-wheel drive hatchback. :)

Now if you want a four door sports car, perhaps you want the Porsch Panamera (apologies for the pic size):

So looking at that thing I'm thinking maybe I can't count. Where are the four doors mentioned in the thread title?

Oh, I see going to the article it's not a four door hatchback, but a four-wheel drive hatchback. :)

Epic brain fart!

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