You're all LITERALLY full of ****. I know, because I'm working on my second Master's from Columbia University in Human Behavior, studying EVERY day, and I can just tell you're all liars, every SINGLE WORD you say. It's not really my passion though, so I'm considering dropping out OF school and pursuing THIS passion I've had for acting my ENTIRE life. POST education, my dream has always been to be a celebrity.
My best friend's neighbor's cousin's step sister IS friends with a big time Hollywood exec, so I'm guaranteed to land some big roles. I will be a TOTAL takeover by me of the Hollywood scene.Soon, you'll be seeing my name in lights.
Don't try to verify any of this, because I go out of my way to be low key, and I use a different name in my career endeavors. I can't tell you the name of the exec either, because I'm not sure he wants his name being thrown around. I wouldn't BULL**** you.