Redskins Insider: Running back Larry Johnson SIGNS WITH REDSKINS

In Shallen I trust. But I think I'd rather have Ladell.
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It's been a few years since he's had a good season. On the plus side that means he hasn't taken many hits and his body is fresher. On the negative side, there's no offensive line yet to block for him, so even if he still has something left in the tank it could get wasted. Unless Allehan manages to cobble together a decent line with the remaining free agency and draft.
I have a feeling you will see a RB taken in late rounds of the draft. This is where Shanahan has excelled.

Shanahan is a no nonsense coach. Portis and Johnson have to know if you get out of line then you will be gone.
Well, at least Larry's proven to be durable.

The same can't be said of Man O'Glass Betts.
The Johnson signing may have just revealed a few things to me:

1. The Redskins are seriously trying to beef up the run game. Johnson has fresher legs than CP and at this point either one of two things are happening here. One is that Johnson is here to push Portis and split time with him. With the fresher legs, Johnson can have about 15-20 carries a game and Portis maybe 10-15. Two, is that this is a competition for the #1 RB spot and only one of these guys will be here on the roster come the season opener. What's 3.5 million to lose if you're willing to cut Portis and his 6 million plus guaranteed salary?

2. I wonder if the coaches are expecting Portis to convert back to the smaller, leaner, faster Denver version of himself. By bringing in a pounder like Johnson, Portis can take a smaller but more effective role on the team.

3. Would this move mean that the Skins will still be a run first team? That's been a huge question especially with Kyle Shanahan who seemed to be more pass first in Houston, while his dad has been more run-first.

4. I still think we draft a RB in the draft, but more likely in the 4th, 5th or 7th rounds (barring us getting more picks somehow).

5.It looks like a 3yr. deal, but more or less it's a one year deal and if the Skins wanted to, they could release him in 2011 and have no ill effects on the cap.

6. Could the Skins keep some power runs in the scheme? Johnson is more of a downhill runner than a cut back guy. Maybe he'll be used mostly in short yardage as well. Last year, the only RB that could get short yard 3rd and 4th downs was Quinton Ganther.
LMAO, Larry Johnson NOW>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Cartwright and Ladell in there primes, if those overrated bums ever had a prime. Great signing, finally CP will have someone to push him instead him coming in having the job handed to him.....

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