Random Thoughts

The way I remember 2012 here on BGO was the right-leaning folks just so sure (and absolutely delusional) that Mittens could win. And I was just a little more than abrasive at their stance. I got combative, and again...my apologies.
I can deal with ignorance (ignoring things and not being informed).
What I cannot deal with is people who claim to be informed and still not know what the fuck is happening.

I think it was right-leaning - primarily because all of those guys got run off at ES, lol. They eventually wore out their welcome here too, only they weren't shown the door because of which side of the aisle they were on, but because they continued to disregard expectations for conduct towards fellow members. That's always been the non-negotiable here. Be who you are but be nice. Or at least that's what we've tried to enforce.
It takes a lot of art, forbearance, and empathy to practice political patience these days. I'm fine with this place being a refuge from it and I agree with it, but living near DC it can at times be very hard. We deserve grace when we slip. There may be moments when it is important to slip.
I think it was right-leaning - primarily because all of those guys got run off at ES, lol. They eventually wore out their welcome here too, only they weren't shown the door because of which side of the aisle they were on, but because they continued to disregard expectations for conduct towards fellow members. That's always been the non-negotiable here. Be who you are but be nice. Or at least that's what we've tried to enforce.

Quoting myself - can insanity and instituionalization be far behind?

Let me just say, some of the guys whose membership we 'terminated' I considered very good friends (a couple still are) and that made it very hard. I don't understand how folks are willing to lose something they love just to win a political argument or feel 'right' about political issues? Whether it's relationships, family members, or even access to a website/community you loved. It's crazy, but that seems to be how it is for some. I was told several times 'you've changed' after we said goodbye to folks. But it wasn't me who changed.
It takes a lot of art, forbearance, and empathy to practice political patience these days. I'm fine with this place being a refuge from it and I agree with it, but living near DC it can at times be very hard. We deserve grace when we slip. There may be moments when it is important to slip.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few :)
On a wholly different subject, I may have publishing news. It's too soon to post publicly, but (yayyyyyyy!)
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few :)

I miss Nimoy and Jim Henson. Strange pairing, but it's true.
I think it was right-leaning - primarily because all of those guys got run off at ES, lol. They eventually wore out their welcome here too, only they weren't shown the door because of which side of the aisle they were on, but because they continued to disregard expectations for conduct towards fellow members. That's always been the non-negotiable here. Be who you are but be nice. Or at least that's what we've tried to enforce.
Oh that is definitely true throughout the internet, the right leaning posters were a much bigger problem, far more nasty and confrontational. It was true of moderators as well. I kicked the tires on one board with conservative mods and got a month suspension for literally ending a sentence with "just throwin' it out there" because it was seen as instigating. Meanwhile I was called mentally ill and far worse with no ramifactions.

I would share my opinion of why that is but that's too close to the line for me.
Oh that is definitely true throughout the internet, the right leaning posters were a much bigger problem, far more nasty and confrontational. It was true of moderators as well. I kicked the tires on one board with conservative mods and got a month suspension for literally ending a sentence with "just throwin' it out there" because it was seen as instigating. Meanwhile I was called mentally ill and far worse with no ramifactions.

I would share my opinion of why that is but that's too close to the line for me.

I don't think the 'right leaning' members here were any more obnoxious than their 'left leaning' counterparts, they just outnumbered them here. The one universal I have seen is that people with strong political leanings tend to justify their own aggressive behavior and snark because of their belief that they are 'right' and 'smart' while those with opposing views are not. One can probably draw conclusions from the fact that both sides unflinchingly believe this to be the case.
Back to Random thoughts...

Eyebrows. Why???
If you ever want to test just how genetically hard-wired our perceptions of beauty and attraction are, have the object of your desire shave their eyebrows completely off.
Fwiw my view was that ES was heavily right wing when I joined in 2001 (I was one of the very few dreaded "liberals" then).

It wasn't until the early 2010's that it started moving left. Mainly because the right wing voices there stopped being able to follow the most basic board rules.
I keep checking in to the new Extreme board. It's just not nearly as busy as this place. That is the best thing for me about ES, it was extremely active. But this is my new main board now, I finally deleted my ES bookmark. .
We are glad all of our recent ES migrants are here. We have always had a lot to offer but folks are free to go where they will.

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