Random funny ****

If I weren't so busy telling you kids to get off my lawn, I'd have gotten that! :rotflmao:
Trivia Question: How many times did Gonzalez run his fingers through his hair or touch his head before putting his helmet on just prior to his playoff-game-winning kick last night? Rough guess. No cheating! :LOL:

A: I count nineteen
Trivia Question: How many times did Gonzalez run his fingers through his hair or touch his head before putting his helmet on just prior to his playoff-game-winning kick last night? Rough guess. No cheating! :LOL:

A: I count nineteen
Heard about his problems with OCD on the radio here today, and I totally feel for him. But he said it keeps him focused.

Did anyone but NFLN noticed how he kept "fixing" the sock on his kicking foot? Wanted to get it right. :love:


Wow. A Trifecta of Wrong

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