Random Cool Photo

Lightning striking the 160-story, 828m (2, 717ft) Burj Khalifa (formerly Burj Dubai) in Dubai. The first picture I have seen of lightning stirking the tallest structure ever built by man.

Bizarre you'd just stumble upon that - never even seen it before. I needed to lose 25 lbs too :) Thanks for sharing Mark :cheers:
Redskins26, I just had to check that one out-it's just too cool!

Wonderworks in Orlando, Florida literally turns Classical architecture upside down. The three-story, 82-foot tall building is flipped over with its triangular pediment squashed into the pavement. One corner of the Wonderworks building appears to flatten a 20th century brick warehouse. Palm trees and lamp posts hang suspended.
The wacky design expresses the topsy-turvy activities that take place inside. The Wonderworks museum includes a hurricane ride with 65 mph winds, a 5.2 magnitude earthquake ride, and a Titanic exhibit.


Now that would be a fun place to visit.
Well. These may not be that random and I'm unsure of how cool they are,but thought I'd share a few recent originals with some old friends,(though most have seen enough of these elsewhere).




Won't let it happen again. ;)
Post away Jay - those are nothing short of breathtaking.... :cheers:
Holy cow Jay - those last few are absolutely unbelievable...those yours as well?! If you shot them, have they been edited post-shooting, you using some special filters, or what...beautiful :cheers:
Thanks both of you. :)

As for the rest. Uh oh. Now you've done it. ;) Yep. They're mine. And you bet. They have been edited to one degree or another. It depends on several factors on what I do to edit them. Time and light permitting,I'll try to get the best one shot that I can,(based on the pic and histogram). After that,it's a matter of what I call "running them through the wash." I shoot all the pics in raw for so I can manipulate the pic a bit more. I then run them through Elements to clean up the contrast,sharpen them up,and maybe darken,lighten,or both some spots in the image using brightness and contrast controls. Sometimes,that doesn't work out which is why I will also bracket the shots or turn one shot in to 2 different exposures and blend them to together. I tend to do all of the above with many pics in order to see what different looks I can get. Basically,I get real artsy sometimes with these images.

First and last ones I used a exposure fusion feature I have on one program. Turned out I really didn't need to do that after I just ran the solo pics through the wash. Though it did help sharpen the image. Exposure fusion btw,is basically taking the best of the 3 or more images,(taken with different exposures and such),and merging them. This can help in broad shots like the ones above in that you can increase the depth of field where clarity and sharpness are concerned. The middle pic is an HDR one. I felt the image,(part of Bryce Canyon),could lend itself to such an effect. Kind of gives it a painting type look. Though a raw image cleaned up doesn't look that much different. Details thing. It's easy to go overboard with such programs,especially HDR ones since they can remove much of the shadows in the image and it can result in something that looks flat and 2 dimensional.

Oh. I also have several lens filters. Standard UV and polarizing filters plus a neutral density one I use for bright,sunlit shots and long exposure shots,(like when I shoot moving water). Hope to get some more sometime down the road.
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Well once I took all of your advice from before I purchased a Canon Rebel T2i with a 55-250 telephoto and the standard lens it comes with, both are image stabilizing. Eventually I will get at least one m ore lense (higher telephoto) and a external flash; but most of my pictures I take outside or in places that are deecntly enough lit that i can usually edit the pic to my liking.. Here are 2 pictures I've taken with it. The first is of a bird building a nest; two birds had fought over this piece of tissue; this little guy is the winner; and the second is just a shot of the first rose blooming at my new house in West Virginia. Wish the first rose was the white one as that is my favorite and what he always gave me..but he probably had something to do with that.
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Okay I was having trouble trying to load the second one; so I'll try it separately. Size is fine (I think).. so I don't think that is the issue...
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OK guys, I went to the farm where my Grandmother was born and raised which is still in the family today to walk the several hundred acres and spend some time in the country. I took my dog along and this is what happened. In case you can't tell what she is rolling in, it is cow sh**.
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Awesome rose pic. Would you mind if showed my wife to see if she something she would like to paint. She does oil painting and always looking for interesting pics.

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