Om Away From Home: Detroit Musings


The Commissioner
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Apr 11, 2009
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Greensboro, NC
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I felt this one deserved its own thread. Our fellow Blind Pigger, Om, comes at you live from Budapest, because you know, Bavaria is so 2024! A must listen from our favorite geographically-challenged Muse.

I remember watching Redskins games in Germany (Kahl am Main and Bad Tolz) at o dark thirty in the mid eighties.
I remember watching Redskins games in Germany (Kahl am Main and Bad Tolz) at o dark thirty in the mid eighties.
Armed Forces network, on base? I'm relying on NFL+ Gamepass these days. I can watch games once they're completed---full broadcast, consolidated, all-22's. Wasn't willing to pony up the small fortune they want for full access to live games this year. Next year, though ... I'm there.

We're just outside of Ansbach-my bride teaches at Army Garrison Katterbach. The Philly game will be a 2100 local. Thinking I'll be able to watch live via DAZN (German commentary, totally weird) or via my YouTube TV account. VPN is the key there. Shhh.
We miss you too, brother.

Good stuff!
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OM. used to always look forward to your posts back in the day. As others have said, really cool to put a face to the musings!

I was in Bamberg in the 80s.
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I'm going to face a sort of similar issue - we have a small place in Scotland and we're going there on Saturday. I expect to watch on a spurious stream since I don't think it will be broadcast on any British stations we get. The irony is we have what we call the "Dodgy Sky Box" and it provides most channels in the UK and Ireland. It also has some interesting perks, like a section that broadcasts each NFL team's game. I often watch on local DC stations that are being picked up somewhere overseas and sent to the Dodgy Sky Box here in Massachusetts.

Sadly I may miss the game live. I hope not!

Good points here, especially about team-first culture.
Where in Scotland, Mass? I had a great vacation to Edinburgh, Skye and Inverness in fall of 2023. Land of my fathers ... loved it.
On the eastern outskirts of Edinburgh. While it's technically in the city, the neighborhood (Joppa/Portobello) is on the Firth of Forth and has the feel of being its own place. It's a 20-30 minute bus ride (frequent and reliable service) to the city center and we have amazing views of the Kingdom of Fife across the Firth of Forth. There's a 2.2 mile promenade along the waterfront with a nice sand beach. It's fun taking a dip in the frigid North Sea. :)

Here's the promenade from our end (at full-on high tide) - we live a one minute walk to the left:
View attachment 9294

I've never been to Skye Om - how was that? I hope you're a big Scotch lover, as that would have helped you enjoy your time there even more. How long was the trip?
I remember watching Redskins games in Germany (Kahl am Main and Bad Tolz) at o dark thirty in the mid eighties. were lucky.....Dad was stationed in Naples '77-'81 and I never saw a Skins game over there until 1979...and that's only because a buddy of mines parents had this new-fangled electronic gizmo called a VCR. Fortunately, they had family who lived in VA Beach, so they weren't subject to the 50 mile blackout. They would tape the game and mail the tape to my buddies Dad....I think the games were almost 2 weeks old by the time we saw them.....
Armed Forces network, on base? I'm relying on NFL+ Gamepass these days. I can watch games once they're completed---full broadcast, consolidated, all-22's. Wasn't willing to pony up the small fortune they want for full access to live games this year. Next year, though ... I'm there.

We're just outside of Ansbach-my bride teaches at Army Garrison Katterbach. The Philly game will be a 2100 local. Thinking I'll be able to watch live via DAZN (German commentary, totally weird) or via my YouTube TV account. VPN is the key there. Shhh.
Wow you are up by Wurzburg. I love Wurzburg.

I lived off post but could almost always find signal. We hadn't invented the internet yet so I was at the mercy of old analog broadcasts
Wow you are up by Wurzburg. I love Wurzburg.

I lived off post but could almost always find signal. We hadn't invented the internet yet so I was at the mercy of old analog broadcasts
If you know ...

On the eastern outskirts of Edinburgh. While it's technically in the city, the neighborhood (Joppa/Portobello) is on the Firth of Forth and has the feel of being its own place. It's a 20-30 minute bus ride (frequent and reliable service) to the city center and we have amazing views of the Kingdom of Fife across the Firth of Forth. There's a 2.2 mile promenade along the waterfront with a nice sand beach. It's fun taking a dip in the frigid North Sea. :)

Here's the promenade from our end (at full-on high tide) - we live a one minute walk to the left:
View attachment 9294

I've never been to Skye Om - how was that? I hope you're a big Scotch lover, as that would have helped you enjoy your time there even more. How long was the trip?
Didn't get to sally Forth this time. Next time, though. Looks amazing.

Skye quickly became one of my favorite places. Magical. We were there three days, did the entire coast loop. Castles, back roads and of course distilleries. Wearing my Talisker fleece as I type in fact.

Me looking totally candid and natural:


I'm generally a bourbon guy, so find some Scotches a bit peaty for my taste. Ended up preferring the Speyside spin on things. I did power through tastings, however. :cool:

I'm generally a bourbon guy, so find some Scotches a bit peaty for my taste. Ended up preferring the Speyside spin on things. I did power through tastings, however. :cool:

View attachment 9301
I can see you took one for Team Scotch - some sacrifices are worth it!!!

Sadly, though I do like whisky (and the peaty stuff) I gave it up because my father-in-law is an abusive narcissist who drinks a bottle of whisky a day, and even the smell of it sets my wife off. My whisky substitute is gin. Luckily there are tons of great gins in Scotland.

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