We made the trip once, for MNF. I think it was 2017...Cousins was still our QB. There were 12 of us and the tailgate was hosted by a couple of our friends in Philly, who are fellow Skins fans. Quick note...we arrived a day early and one of our friends took us on a "locals" food-centric tour of the city. It's not the shit-hole that everyone claims, but I wouldn't exactly make it a tourist destination. We were decked out in full Skins gear and caught some flack but most of it was pretty good-natured. Fast forward to the tailgate.
I don't know how he did it, but our buddy snagged a spot about as close to the stadium as you could get, somewhere near the end-zone entrance a relatively close walk to our seats. All of us wore Skins gear. The tailgating scene is very good there. The lots are nice and I think that they were opened for most of the day for MNF. We caught a ton more shit on the lot...(Mainly... chants of "Hey Asshole!"....they really do have a mob mentality). Early on it wasn't too bad but, later in the tailgate, as the alcohol kicked in, it got progressively/agressively worse. Lots of "fuck you's" in the later chants...mostly from younger folks. A lot of the women were worse than the men
We bought our tickets through a friend of ours who used to work for the Skins and he got us good tickets. The location is kind of hard to explain......a section with maybe 6-7 rows, right above an end-zone scoreboard below the uppers. With the exception of the crowd, it's a great facility. Clean, excellent views and, while I didn't get any food, the concessions looked decent and I did get a couple of beers. They had a good selection of craft beer in big cans that were very reasonably priced.
We did have some trouble with a few ass-hole fans sitting in front of us, who kept turning around and talking shit...which was okay until one of them put his finger in my face and told me to get the fuck out....I was blissfully unaware because I was cheering a big play, but Mrs. Skinsfan noticed, (Baltimore City born and bred), she stood up and screamed, (I kid you not), "Sit down, shut the fuck up! Is there a problem? Does anyone else have something that they want to say!!" while pointing people out..."you? You got something to say? Then shut the fuck up!" To a person, they all sat down and looked away...except for one dude who was like "fuck you, Bitch"....right around the time security showed up and escorted him out. My friends were very impressed and they still talk about it. To be fair, the fans above us said something like, "We're sorry...those jerks always cause trouble not all of us are like that"
The only time I felt nervous was in the bathroom. They don't have urinals, they have a big line of stalls and you just wait until one opens before you go in, (kinda like a port-a-pot line) I was already hearing some grumbling, because I was wearing a Kerrigan jersey. Door opens, and I go in....and hear "Hey! Kerrigan! I was next, you fucking ass-hole!!" By this time I had to go badly and it was one of those loooooooong pisses that you just can't shut off, and a bunch of them are pounding on the door screaming "Asshole! and Fuck you!"....it's a good thing that I don't have a shy bladder

... and I couldn't finish fast enough. I bolted out the door and ran past the sinks, out the door, and right back to the, (relative), safety of my seat.
All that said....Mrs. Skinsfan told me to go for it for the Championship. A bunch of my friends are going. I've decided to pass. I just had extensive dental surgery on both sides of my mouth last week, (which is why there were no victory pour pics after the Lions game), and I just graduated from soft foods. With my luck, some ass-hole sucker-punch me. That, and those tickets cost a small fortune. I guess I'll wait until we host one!