BGO Blind Pig: It's Commies 4Ever & 2024 Season Awards

Not sure if KDawg is up to this, but I kind of would love to say a "Next Day" thread for the whole season.

Who stepped up? Who were the studs? Who were the duds? What are our grades on coaching, scheme, adjustments, and like the pigs talked about in the podcast which were the best plays, but also which were the pivotal plays. Maybe a pivotal play was Quinn's decision to bench Forbes? Maybe it was the decision to let Daniels audible (remember when we had OCs who refused to let their QBs do that?), maybe it was when Quinn decided this was a four down team.

In any case, I can do it if no one wants to, but I think a Next Day thread would be great. Frankly, it may be too big for one poster. Might be fun to put out a call and have a bunch of posters take one aspect each.
Yup, I’ll definitely be doing one. I’ve just been bogged down in real life and taking some time to refresh the batteries a bit.
Excellent job agains fellas. I know there is more offseason content coming, but I did want to give a shoutout to the guys on the podcast this season. SilentThreat , Boone , Neophyte , Canadian Hog , Om , Enforcer , KDawg, and I know I probably missed some of the guests and maybe a few others who joined the podcasts. Great job all season breaking down the games and previewing the next one. I always look forward to the new episodes and have been listening to them as a work and workout. I appreciate all the time and effort you all put into this.

I also want to encourage everyone else on the board to download and listen to this podcast. These guys have great insight on the games and also speak with the passion they bring as fans of this team we all love so much.

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