5 Reasons it Sucks to be the Stunt Man

I saw that yesterday. Being a big James Bond fan, I've seen that movie more times than I can count. I love how in the 70s, they did the stunts and didn't just rely on terrible CGI. All the newer movies use too much CGI, including the Bond films and even the Mission Impossible series where Cruise does a lot of his own stunts. I'm not against them using CGI, but when things look so fake, it takes you out of the movie. This stunt here was a masterclass in stunt work.
For whatever reason this doesn't strike me as abusive. The alligators seemingly were not harmed. I suppose they were inconvenienced and stressed by being tied down, but this did not damage them in any way that I can see. I wonder if alligators are not cute and cuddly. Nah, I just don't think it reaches my personal definition of abuse.

More on point, it is remarkable this stuntman kept going. Take three would have me calling it off whether I was the stuntman or the director.
Live and Let Die is one of my favorite Bond movies. I could watch the speedboat chase scene over and over again. In that croc scene, the crocs were ready for him by the third attempt.
Cathy Lee Crosby used to date a guy who was a stunt man and a thrill seeker. He died during a stunt. Might have been 1987. I remember this because this was roughly the time she was dating Joe Theismann. She was interviewed about the stuntman's death and she was getting all weepy on camera. The implication is she apparently had strong feelings for the stuntman even as she was dating Theismann. So yeah, becoming dead is a good reason being a stuntman sucks.
Wow - that's a helluva recollection Mark! Was this before, or after his tibia and fibula got snapped like pretzel sticks?

I will forever picture all stunt men as portrayed by Brad Pitt in 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood'. Because that cat is cool as ****.

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