compensatory picks

  1. The Burgundy Ghost

    Your 2019 Draft Class As of 3/10/19

    Three weeks ago the NFL released its list of 32 Compensatory Picks to be dealt out during the 2019 draft. The Redskins were awarded a total of 4 compensatory picks (the max allowed per team per year) which was one more than was expected from Over The Cap's Compensatory Pick Projection. So, today...
  2. The Burgundy Ghost

    Updates and An Early Look at the Redskins 2019 Draft

    Quick Writer's Note: Apologies for the lack of post for the past two weeks. A combination of hectic work schedule, some life issues and some technical issues made me take a brief hiatus. My goal is to try and do two posts a week during the season. That said I plan to do a bunch of my BYE week...
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