
  1. 2012 - Week 17 v Dallas Cowboys

    Blognosticator - Fear the Spear It Has Begun. Again. It all began on the date of January 8th, 1983. The Redskins were playing at RFK Stadium, under soon-to-be legendary Coach Joe Gibbs. And they were on the verge of finishing off the Lions in the Wild Card round when, during the 2nd half, the...
  2. 2012 - Week 16 @ Philadelphia Eagles

    Blognosticator - tshile The Redskins and Eagles line up for an NFC East matchup, late in the season, and one team has a plethora of young players making plays while the other is writhing in misery. What a lovely surprise that our beloved Redskins are the former and the Eagles are the later. No...
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