Yahoo! Sports: Report: Vick spent his first night of freedom at a strip club


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Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:30 am EDT

Report: Vick spent his first night of freedom at a strip club

Carrying out a time-honored tradition among ex-cons on their first day of freedom, Michael Vick reportedly spent his first evening as a free man knee-deep in strippers, alongside pal Allen Iverson.

The report comes from The Big Lead, who called the strip club and spoke to a DJ at a spot called Atlantis in Virginia Beach.

From TBL:
After getting a tip from a reader Wednesday, and seeing this post at YBF saying the same thing, we called the club half a dozen times until we were able to get someone on the phone tonight around 10:15 pm. “Monday’s are crazy here, it’s amateur night, and it’s packed,” said the DJ, who did not to be quoted. He checked with a few of the dancers about whether or not Vick and Iverson were present Monday and said, “yup, both of them were here. It’s the first place I’d want to go as a free man, too.”

If true, this isn't something to be held against Vick. I know it doesn't sound good, and I'll grant you, other than an actual dogfight, a strip club's probably the easiest place for a recently-released guy to get in trouble.

But on the other hand, you know ... there are unclothed women in there. In the pen, it's nothing but the fellas. The day that a man who was locked up for two years cannot go out and pay to see some lady parts is the day I no longer want to call myself an American.

Going to a strip club is not illegal. It doesn't make anyone a bad person. Most people are not Pacman Jones, and can go to a strip club without having to seek legal counsel the next morning.

Most importantly, going to a strip club has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not Michael Vick(notes) is truly remorseful about what he did. If Roger Goodell were to hold this against him, in my opinion, it would make Goodell not only unreasonable and unnecessarily hard on Vick, but also in violation of all sorts of man codes.

PS- Colin Cowherd opened his show on ESPN Radio today with this story. Apparently there is no direction from ESPN management to ignore it.
Could have been worse I guess...he could have gone with Pacman instead of Iverson. :rolleyes:
Immediately after departing the strip club, Vick took Iverson to see his newly opened **** fighting establishment..............
A lot of lawyers doing a lot of denying lately. Business is good.
Yeah, thinking I missed the boat by not going to law school now. :(
If I spent a few years in prison, I might go to a strip club too.
Yup, Vick's a total sleaze alright, but he's so damned talented somebody's gonna snap him up. How well that works out for them...well, that may be another story, but, personally, I'd prefer he not be the Skins QB. I hope Snyder displays some sense on this one.
I don't think it is wishful thinking for this year Mike. He has not been in a offseason program I just don't see anyway for him to be in shape to play well this season, even being suspended for 4 games.

Now, given a year to get back in to a conditioning program (assuming he is willing to really work for the first time in his life) I think he could be back in game shape for the 2010 season.
I don't think this is true- his g/f picked him up in OK, and they took 2 days to drive back to their house. When would he have had time in the middle of that?

I wouldn't be goin to a strip club, I'd be gettin it on with my girl...

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