WP-D. Hall: Shanahan wins over Redskins' players with 'presence'


The Rookie
Feb 25, 2010
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I caught up with top cornerback DeAngelo Hall the other day after he finished working out and watching film with his position group :) at Redskins Park, and it's fair to say he has totally bought into Coach Mike Shanahan's program.

Hall was impressed with Shanahan's opening address to the team as the voluntary offseason conditioning program began at Redskins Park. And Hall expressed confidence Shanahan is the right person to restore the Redskins to prominence.

"Coach Shanahan has a plan for how he wants us to play and represent this organization," Hall said in a phone interview. "Get your work in, get ready and then just go out and play football. It's all about getting the Redskins back on track."

Hall, who took in the NASCAR race over the weekend, was among many veterans frustrated last season because of the team's poor play and off-the-field chaos, and Shanahan has quickly shown the Redskins what it's like "to have a coach who has that respect because of what he's accomplished in this league," Hall said. "Guys talk about presence. Coach Shanahan has that presence because of the Super Bowls and everything else he's done, and I think guys were waiting to have a coach like that here in Washington."
...and I think guys were waiting to have a coach like that here in Washington.

Um, Gibbs was a coach like that. Hopefully he's talking about anyone who hasn't been around longer than he has.
Um, Gibbs was a coach like that. Hopefully he's talking about anyone who hasn't been around longer than he has.

I was thinking the same thing, but Hall wasn't here when Gibbs was here. Not to mention, the last two years of the inmates running the asylum has diminished the memories of a respectable coach.
hall is paying lip service as far as im concerned. until he starts playing well and we start winning big games i dont care what he thinks...

It DOES sound like he's doing a little kissing up, doesn't it? We pretty much HAVE to see more out of Hall this year and I'm really hoping we do.
Suppose your company just brought in a new management team and someone stuck a microphone in your face and asked for a comment. Well of course you are going to say nice things about your new boss. We also got positive quotes when Zorn came on board.

This stuff is meaningless. We read it because it is March and there’s nothing better to do.
Suppose your company just brought in a new management team and someone stuck a microphone in your face and asked for a comment. Well of course you are going to say nice things about your new boss. We also got positive quotes when Zorn came on board.

This stuff is meaningless. We read it because it is March and there’s nothing better to do.

Ding, Ding, Ding.....we have a winner.
I am with Alaskan on this. No one is going to say anything negative with new management there.

For example: Shannahan says that Larry Johnson could take over as the starting RB. Well, if Zorn had said something to that effect last year, we would have heard about a billion quotes from Portis. Instead we have heard nothing. Hope he is working hard.

Also, I think I remember Hall being pretty positive and upbeat last offseason as well. He only yells and puts down his coaches during the season/games, not the offseason.

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