Wise: Redskins attempt a family reunion by reaching out to players of the past


Redskins attempt a family reunion by reaching out to players of the past

Brian Mitchell has been one of the most candid, outspoken critics of his former team the past decade. In point of fact, the former Pro Bowler represented almost a bridge between prominent names in team history -- Faces of the Disenfranchised Player. It's a group that ranges from the most popular of all time, John Riggins, to owner Daniel Snyder's first draft pick, LaVar Arrington.

Yet months before the Washington Redskins' first game of the 2010 season, even the brutally honest B. Mitch feels major changes are afoot with the team, something beyond acquiring Donovan McNabb or laying down the law with Albert Haynesworth.

"I know Bruce Allen talked to Mike Nelms," Mitchell said of the team's new general manager and the Redskins' former kick returner and defensive back. "When Mike talked to me, he said [Bruce] wanted to know what the problems were with former players, how he could bridge the relationship between the team and its former players."

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Nothing bad can come from this. Unfortunately, the reason a lot of the older players are pissed at the Redskins is the same reason a lot of fans are pissed at the Skins, and it's name is danny snyder. And unfortunately, he ain't goin' anywhere
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Last night I watched Superbowl 22 with my daughter. The Redskins may as well have been wearing leather helmets for all the connection she felt to that team. I spent a few hours trying to explain why Art Monk was so good and why Mel Kaufman was so important to the defense and who the heck Darrell Green was ...

After awhile I just gave up and watched the game. She didn't care.

When I was a kid, growing up a fan in the 80s, I knew exactly who Jurgensen and Kilmer were. I knew who Charley Taylor was. I knew who Larry Brown was. I was proud to call these guys Redskins, because they were proud to be called Redskins. These days I think that connection is gone. Hopefully Bruce Allen can change that.
lmfao @ arrington and his needing personal venting time with snyder. what a friggin attention whoring crybaby...
I read this article earlier and I am very happy Allen is here and trying to correct the Skins image and name. I doubt that there is anyone else besides him that could do it or would even care to.

As far as Arrington is concerned, well, you are not going to please everyone. I would like to know how ex-teammates feel about him (besides Portis). I do not listen to his radio show, so I am not familiar with his personality these days. I knew when Gibbs had issues with him, that most likely, I would not like him on a personal level. I do not think he is instrumental in what Allen is trying to accomplish.
When I was a kid, growing up a fan in the 80s, I knew exactly who Jurgensen and Kilmer were. I knew who Charley Taylor was. I knew who Larry Brown was. I was proud to call these guys Redskins, because they were proud to be called Redskins. These days I think that connection is gone. Hopefully Bruce Allen can change that.

Oh I hear you! Building and maintaining a connection from the older generation to the younger really makes the entire organization stronger. I love that Allen is trying to bridge the different generations. I truly believe he's the right man for the right time.
After reading this I now believe, more than ever, that Allen will turn things around.
I had always wondered why Danny (as a marketing/advertising guy) didn't reach before now to older players who made this team what it is. I like it...no, I love it.

You'll run into a sour apple here and there but I bet most of those guys would be more than happy to be back in the fold somehow.
Smart move by Allen. The tradition and the "family" that the Skins have been throughout the years is amazing. You don't see many franchises like that.

And Lavar .......jeez. I understand he feels wronged by Snyder and in some cases he's right but when I look at what went so terribly wrong in the last decade plus I look at the owner, his henchmen/stooges and the me first attitudes of many of the the players here. Lavar is usually the first image that comes to my mind (although right now Haynesworth is catching up to him).

Lavar is not innocent in the Skins mediocrity during his time here.
The thing that confuses me about Lavar and Snyder is I thought they made up at the time of ST's death. Lavar at that time was saying good things about the Skins and Snyder. It was portrayed at the time as sort of a reconciling. I know Lavar was mad at Snyder previously, but why now? Did something happen between them since the funeral?

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