Will Portis ever learn to keep his mouth shut?

  • Thread starter Lanky Livingston
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Will Portis ever learn to keep his mouth shut?

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Lanky Livingston

Portis criticizes LaVar over Sean Taylor funeral

Clinton Portis and LaVar Arrington have certainly taken their shots at each other over the past three months. First Portis seemed to ding LaVar for being obsessed with status, saying the former linebacker "gave back $15, 20 million to leave D.C., because he felt like he wasn't the main money guy, because everybody was getting [paid]."

Then Arrington fired back, talking passionately and at great length about leadership and history, and saying "If I understood how much [Bobby Mitchell] had to go through to be where he was at in his life, I would not dress up as a fairy to try to get attention from the media. I would not do that. Knowing what this represents, I would not do that."

But the ugliest turn came only recently, when Portis lashed out at Arrington for speaking at Sean Taylor's funeral during an interview with Arrington's radio station. This, folks, is not going to make things any better. Like, I can almost guarantee they're not Facebook friends.

"I lost a lot of respect for LaVar at that moment, speaking at Sean's funeral. To get up, I really thought that was, um, I don't know what you call that. LaVar ain't know Sean like that....

"I remember me and Sean was going to jump LaVar, you know, for throwing pie at Sean's face his rookie year, and trying to haze Sean, and be the tough guy. He felt like it was a joke. We didn't like that [stuff]. For all the attention LaVar claim, and that him and Sean was cool -- they wasn't cool. Sean ain't [mess around] with LaVar....I don't think you should do that. If you cool with somebody, or you know somebody, you knew 'em. Don't go and portray, set out an image like 'this is your buddy, this is your pal,' like you all hung, when y'all really didn't. I don't think that's fair, man."

Arrington's speech that day seemed powerful to a lot of listeners, and seemed to signal a return to the burgundy flock for the former fan favorite. And the Sean Taylor issue never fails to elicit strong feelings from everyone involved. In other words, powder keg, meet raging blowtorch.

Click link for the rest of the article.
meh...i doubt he will even be on the roster come opening day....and if he is, his stay in DC wont be for very long.
I actually like Arrington's show. Portis, well, he should know by now that you can't take on a member of the media and win.
Portis is his own worse enemy. He will never learn to keep his mouth shut. The one losing respect is Portis.
I have no problem with what Portis said here. If they were not friends and Lavar spoke at his funeral as if they were, well I would be upset as well.

Now, that does not mean I think Portis is right for airing his grievances in a public domain. In fact, I too think he should shut up. He is known for saying some pretty dumb things over the years, which makes it more enticing for the media to bait him and get a story.

I happen to like Portis. I think he is going to have a heck of a year. I predict Portis will be trimmed down and faster than we are used to. That and splitting carries with Johnson will keep him fresh.
I've taken the liberty of adding a poll to quantify responses to your rhetorical question.
Most of the time, I agree that the soon-to-be All Time Leading Rusher in Redskins history, should just just shut up, and play ball.

However, in this instance I'm tickled that he called out "King Attention Whore" for latching on to Sean Taylor's death and portraying himself as something he wasn't. I remember thinking then, WTF is this leech doing talking here? If he was honest, he'd of declined to, if asked, by saying, "Well, I really didn't know, or like him".

I wish Portis would punch him in the mouth!

Goddamn floor flushing piece of maggot ****!

The sooner that drama bitch leaves town, forever, the better.
tragedy aside...and great football skills.....I still don't get the attachment for Sean Taylor. It's not as though we are talking about a wonderful human being and great benefactor to the local community. He was an awesome but troubled young athlete, cut short in his prime, who was working out his personal issues. not a saint. not a luminary. just a person privately righting his ship who stood out on teams where mediocre was the standard.
Most of the time, I agree that the soon-to-be All Time Leading Rusher in Redskins history, should just just shut up, and play ball.

However, in this instance I'm tickled that he called out "King Attention Whore" for latching on to Sean Taylor's death and portraying himself as something he wasn't. I remember thinking then, WTF is this leech doing talking here? If he was honest, he'd of declined to, if asked, by saying, "Well, I really didn't know, or like him".

I wish Portis would punch him in the mouth!

Goddamn floor flushing piece of maggot ****!

The sooner that drama bitch leaves town, forever, the better.

a tad emotional about how others chose to live their lives?
My annoyance at Portis verbal run-offs is exceeded only by listening to LaVar Arrington's self-serving diatribes on the radio and TV about the Redskins :)

Arrington never played on a winner here and never developed into the kind of disciplined, talented leader that everyone was hoping for.

Now, he comes on the radio and TV and carries himself with a swagger like he achieved something in the NFL.

Well, he did get paid :)

But #56 will be remembered most for what he did NOT achieve in Washington. He simply failed to live up to his physical potential.

Contrast that with Brian Mitchell, who while critical of Snyder and the team, maximized the talent God gave him and enjoyed a 14 year NFL career in which he won a Super Bowl ring.

I may not like some of the things Mitchell says but at least he has the bona fides to criticize Portis as a running back in the NFL.

Being a winner? I love when Arrington gets into that debate with people as he is talking out his other end :)
I told you guys from the moment I got to go in the locker room and see Arrington up close and personal, he's a tool of nearly epic proportions. I've never seen a more pompous fool in life - ever. And Portis still needs to shut up :)
I told you guys from the moment I got to go in the locker room and see Arrington up close and personal, he's a tool of nearly epic proportions. I've never seen a more pompous fool in life - ever. And Portis still needs to shut up :)

And there you have it. :claps:
It would be better if someone else in the media (rather than an active player) was willing to step up and call Arrington out for his obvious distortions and self-evincing comments, but everyone seems afraid to do so.

As you can guess the media here in DC is pretty gutless.

No way a turkey like Arrington that won NOTHING during his career would be able to get on TV or the radio and not get savaged for an opinion that most feel is worthless in NY or Boston.
i agree with ax as well; lavar is a prick. i thought the same thing when i saw him speaking at seans funeral and wondered why he was even there to begin with. that was a thing for sean and skins fans and he was NEITHER..

So....the consensus is that I did the right thing when I burned an Arrington Pro-Bowl jersey at the NYG tailgate a few years ago?

I agree with Ax too. Portis needs to keep his mouth shut.
More power to LA! He knew from day one that professional football is big bidniz, that players have a very limited time on the stage - be a dupe or get the most out of the system while one is center stage.

how many fans, after all these years, have actually DONE ANYTHING in Sean Taylor's memory? you know....turned rhetoric into action? < 1%? but man o man...folks sure love to wank!

It's laughable that folks don't get that CP is no different from LA! They are two sides of the same NFL coin.
So....the consensus is that I did the right thing when I burned an Arrington Pro-Bowl jersey at the NYG tailgate a few years ago?

I agree with Ax too. Portis needs to keep his mouth shut.

better than burning your bra!!!

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