Who Starts Next Week?

Who starts next week?

  • Jason Campbell

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • Todd Collins

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Some guy not on the roster today

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters


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Jun 30, 2009
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Jason was 9/16 for 89 with a late, desperation INT to close the first half.
Todd was 6/14 for 75 in the second half.
It doesn't matter.
I nearly made Garcia the 3rd option, Sarge. In fact, that was my intention when I picked 3 as the number of options for the poll and then changed my mind.
Randel El; i bet we score more than 6 points
I interpreted the poll question as follows; Who do I expect to see start next week-if that's not correct then my vote may be invalid. I expect to see Campbell start-but how long he lasts is up for grabs. I'd be surprised to see a QB, say Garcia, for instance suddenly appear on the scene and be put in to start. Hell, it would surprise me less to see Zorn-as one of his last official acts as HC-try starting Collins and sub JC for him sometime during the game if things went sour.

As far as who I like to see start, I am in general agreement with those who say it doesn't really matter-JC is not the team-leader QB the Skins need, but, as was mentioned elsewhere-he's not the problem by himself-the seive of an OL and horrific play calling are as much of an impediment as lack of a good QB.
I nearly made Garcia the 3rd option, Sarge. In fact, that was my intention when I picked 3 as the number of options for the poll and then changed my mind.

In the Bold Predictons thread I stated that Garcia would be a Redskin by the end of the year.

Then again, I did say the Skins offensive line would not be the worst in the NFC East. Looks like they are the worst in the NFL.
There's a decent chance we'd have won today, if Collins had gotten significant reps during the week and started. I'll go out further on a limb and say we'd be 4-2 at worst if he'd been our guy all along. He can at least read a defense and knows what to do under pressure.

That's not to say our problems don't go far deeper - just stating the obvious. He's about 4 x steadier than Mr. Jittery back there.
There's a decent chance we'd have won today, if Collins had gotten significant reps during the week and started. I'll go out further on a limb and say we'd be 4-2 at worst if he'd been our guy all along. He can at least read a defense and knows what to do under pressure.

That's not to say our problems don't go far deeper - just stating the obvious. He's about 4 x steadier than Mr. Jittery back there.

I am not convinced of this Boone. The offensive line did not give Collins any time to complete passes, nor did the receivers get open that often. On at least one occasion, Collins had just enough time to throw an incompletion when there was a wide open receiver. He did see the field better, but there wasn't much field to see.

I agree that we stand a better chance with Collins, but I just don't think we stand that much of a chance, period!
There's a decent chance we'd have won today, if Collins had gotten significant reps during the week and started. I'll go out further on a limb and say we'd be 4-2 at worst if he'd been our guy all along. He can at least read a defense and knows what to do under pressure.

Agreed but since he hasn't started in over a year, it's hard to say how Collins would fare this week with a full week of practice as the starter. I'd be worried our turnstile O-Line would get him killed. Too bad we can't insert TC into Jason's body.
If teams gameplan for Collins, the Redskins are screwed.

1. Collins is not a mobile QB. Teams knowing that our O-line sucks will bring the heat and nail Collins over and over again. Collins fumbled twice (?) today. Expect a lot of that if he's the starter.

2. Teams will cover the shorter two thirds of the field and force Collins to try and beat them deep. Every once in awhile Collins will beat the coverage, but underneath and our running game will be dead in the water.......thus leading to #1.

If the Skins go with Collins, start with quick passes and pray the O-line will give Collins enough time to throw deeper later in the game with a few double moves/pump fakes.

Campbell isn't much better, but what the Skins should do is:
1. No huddle....Campbell calling the plays is sometimes better than what Zorn was doing and not much worse.

2. Let Campbell use his feet. Guy is not comfortable in the pocket (unless it's shotgun) so use boot legs. Scramble. Campbell has a arm, he can throw and if it's not there.....run ugly.

3. Throw early and often. Running on first down hasn't worked. Throw the ball and get Campbell, Moss and anybod else involved early......

Let's face it, we don't have a run game. period. So let's throw the ball.
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At this point I think Collins deserves the chance to start and finish ONE game.

Campbell has had 21 starts under Zorn and the team is 4-10 in the last 14 of those games, with the offensive ranking being close to or at the bottom of the pile.

Campbell is never going to be a deliberate passer, a fluid mechanics guy that is going to remind anyone of Peyton Manning.

Collins with better accuracy and quicker release is a better immediate fit until a new quarterback can be drafted in 2010.
At this point I think Collins deserves the chance to start and finish ONE game.

Collins with better accuracy and quicker release is a better immediate fit until a new quarterback can be drafted in 2010.

I agree with this. However, why wait until 2010? If Collins does well, great. However, if he struggles, due to poor pass protection, as I suspect he will, why let the old man get killed? Bring back Chase Daniel. Let Collins start the Philly game. If he struggles then Daniel has this week and the bye week to get back up to speed. Then let him use those young legs to run from defenders. And, if they win the lottery, maybe they find Daniel has something. At least this way there is no doubt the team has shifted to rebuild mode rather than desperately trying to squeeze out wins from an old body.

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