If teams gameplan for Collins, the Redskins are screwed.
1. Collins is not a mobile QB. Teams knowing that our O-line sucks will bring the heat and nail Collins over and over again. Collins fumbled twice (?) today. Expect a lot of that if he's the starter.
2. Teams will cover the shorter two thirds of the field and force Collins to try and beat them deep. Every once in awhile Collins will beat the coverage, but underneath and our running game will be dead in the water.......thus leading to #1.
If the Skins go with Collins, start with quick passes and pray the O-line will give Collins enough time to throw deeper later in the game with a few double moves/pump fakes.
Campbell isn't much better, but what the Skins should do is:
1. No huddle....Campbell calling the plays is sometimes better than what Zorn was doing and not much worse.
2. Let Campbell use his feet. Guy is not comfortable in the pocket (unless it's shotgun) so use boot legs. Scramble. Campbell has a arm, he can throw and if it's not there.....run ugly.
3. Throw early and often. Running on first down hasn't worked. Throw the ball and get Campbell, Moss and anybod else involved early......
Let's face it, we don't have a run game. period. So let's throw the ball.