Let's see
Gays in the military - Check
Gay marriage - Check
Stir up union members - Check
Stir up protestors against pro American government, causing it to topple - Check
Cause inflation due to mass printing of funny money - Check
Send wife and kids on pricey ski jaunt halfway across the country - Check
Must be time for a party
The White House will celebrate Black History Month with a Feb. 24concert celebrating Detroit's best-known musical import. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will host "The Motown Sound: In Performance at the White House," a tribute to therecord companyBerry Gordy Jr. founded here at the dawn of the 1960s.
Gays in the military - Check
Gay marriage - Check
Stir up union members - Check
Stir up protestors against pro American government, causing it to topple - Check
Cause inflation due to mass printing of funny money - Check
Send wife and kids on pricey ski jaunt halfway across the country - Check
Must be time for a party
The White House will celebrate Black History Month with a Feb. 24concert celebrating Detroit's best-known musical import. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will host "The Motown Sound: In Performance at the White House," a tribute to therecord companyBerry Gordy Jr. founded here at the dawn of the 1960s.