White house to celebrate Motown


Let's see

Gays in the military - Check
Gay marriage - Check
Stir up union members - Check
Stir up protestors against pro American government, causing it to topple - Check
Cause inflation due to mass printing of funny money - Check
Send wife and kids on pricey ski jaunt halfway across the country - Check

Must be time for a party


The White House will celebrate Black History Month with a Feb. 24concert celebrating Detroit's best-known musical import. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will host "The Motown Sound: In Performance at the White House," a tribute to therecord companyBerry Gordy Jr. founded here at the dawn of the 1960s.
Does seem innappropriate, but Det needs a win. Feel good for Michigan might be worth it, depending on the cost.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
Does seem innappropriate, but Det needs a win. Feel good for Michigan might be worth it, depending on the cost.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device

I thought that was what that multi million dollar Chrysler Super Bowl ad was for? I sure felt good paying for that
The modern Presidency makes me long (*gasp*) for the practical everyman days of James Earl Carter. The guy was an abject disaster as President, but you know what? At least he was focused on the job. Remember him walking through DC on Inauguration Day. We could use a little focus from the guy in the Oval Office on the actual challenges of the daily job.
The modern Presidency makes me long (*gasp*) for the practical everyman days of James Earl Carter. The guy was an abject disaster as President, but you know what? At least he was focused on the job. Remember him walking through DC on Inauguration Day. We could use a little focus from the guy in the Oval Office on the actual challenges of the daily job.

he also had the good sense to vacate the office after 4 years. let's hope Obama demonstrates similar love for America.
btw...what will Michelle be ordering up for eats? something high cal/high fat I expect!

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