Which Side Are You On?

Which side of the NFL labor battle are you on?

  • Owners - they own the teams and how much money they make is their business

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Players - they are the talent, without them there are no games

    Votes: 5 21.7%

  • Total voters


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Jun 30, 2009
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Got a preference in the Owners v Players labor battle going on with the NFL right now? Which side and why?
I vacillate, honestly. Last week, I was really disappointed in the players decertifying, because as much as I had railed against the owners for planning to implement a lock out, it sure looked to me like the players had just planned to decertify, and were going to do it come hell or high water. I had thought there was enough progress made in the owners' final offer to at least consider another extension. I think DeMaurice might have played his trump card a little too quickly.

On the other hand, having read all the accounts of the owners' behavior during the negotiating sessions, it seems pretty clear from the outside they do not respect the players at all. Not that they have to, but they need to get better at faking it at least, or there won't be much progress anytime soon.

I voted the players, but it does change fairly often.
I think your poll needs a third option: neither. However I believe I'm slightly leaning towards the players, despite my disgust with both sides.
I'm not much of a union guy, so I'm gonna go with the owners, even though as others have said I'm pretty disgusted by both the millionaires and billionaires
I think your poll needs a third option: neither. However I believe I'm slightly leaning towards the players, despite my disgust with both sides.

I considered it but intentionally left it out. I thought it would be too easy for people to say "I'm on the side of football and couldn't care less about the owners or players". I was really looking for a split between the only two sides at the table.
I lean toward the owners, since think their books are their business. Would have preferred neither.
I considered it but intentionally left it out. I thought it would be too easy for people to say "I'm on the side of football and couldn't care less about the owners or players". I was really looking for a split between the only two sides at the table.

Damn instigator! :tantrum: :)

Given my basic position that the automatic bifurcation of any contentious issue into only two choices with no middle ground acceptable is, from my perspective, one of the most pernicious cognitive dysfunctions humans display, I must, of course, demur.

However, I will submit that those choosing one over the other hereby agree to the following:

If you side with the owners, you must refrain from ever commenting in a negative way about Dan Snyder having to do with financial considerations of how he runs the franchise including but not limited to, player salaries (esp. FAs) the operation of FedEx including ticket prices, parking prices, concession prices, advertising and or anything related to what is called the "fan experience". It's his business and his money.

If you side with the players, any negative comments about them must refrain from mention of "how much they're getting paid" vis-a-vis behavior and level play. Remarks can be made about play, attitude, behavior on and off the field but the element of their salary, bonuses, or the nature of their contract are verboten. Somebody was willing to pay them that much to do what they do-they deserve what they were promised.

Have fun. :)

Greedy bastards, whose business provides quite a lot of revenue generation for a wide variety of other businesses. Say what you will, but others have tried, and failed, miserably, to replicate the NFL.

Employers for the win, in this fight.

Players accept the risks, and have sole responsibility for how their chosen profession will affect them now, and in the future. They can always choose to flip burgers instead.

Bring On The Replacements!!!
A vote for the owners. Covered my feelings in another thread.
They're ALL greedy bastards but I side slightly with the owners because they were willing to continue to negotiate while the players decided their best route was to decertify and get MORE legal arseholes involved. The players are essentially cutting off their nose to spite their face.

Get BACK to the bargaining table and work on a new CBA and stop the whiney nonsense.
I'm with the owners on this one. Almost everyone due to the economy has either lost a job, made less money or felt the economic dysfunction overall. The players seem to forget this and if the owners said we'll let you audit the league financials and it showed they made less money the players should accept reality. The players wanted records on all teams, why? To argue a few select markets may have improved to argue for NO reduction. I'm not for an 18 game schedule at all but the players refusing to rookie pay scales and less pay during these times is asinine to me.
one comical aspect: so the players are exerting pressure on top draft prospects not to show up for the NFL dog & pony draft day. Part of he subtle pressure is "we are your future teammates"....and..."this is in your interest". at the same time...the then NLFPA wanted a rookie pay scale that essentially redirected money from rookies to vets.

I'm not for an 18 game schedule at all but the players refusing to rookie pay scales and less pay during these times is asinine to me.

The players were against rookie pay scales that went into the 4th & 5th years of their deal, but were not totally opposed to them. It makes sense to make rookie contracts for 3 years - by then you usually know what you've got, and they've either earned the mega contract or they haven't.
one comical aspect: so the players are exerting pressure on top draft prospects not to show up for the NFL dog & pony draft day. Part of he subtle pressure is "we are your future teammates"....and..."this is in your interest". at the same time...the then NLFPA wanted a rookie pay scale that essentially redirected money from rookies to vets.


That's the first angle I thought about too.

The owners are billionaires and none of us can relate to that. You don’t own Home Depot or any of the other mega businesses the owners made their fortunes with and would have no idea of how to do so. If you did you’d be doing that and not reading my post. They are partners in owning the business that is the NFL.

Polish it up any way you’d like but the players in the league are employees. It’s a very special job but they are still employees. Why should I care about the details of a contract paid to a guy who gets $295,000 a year (league minimum)? The US average income is just a touch over $44,000 a year while the average salary of an NFL player is a little over 1.7 million a year. I’m not going to even go into the other perks most of these guys have available to them like a free college education (should they choose to stay in school). If they are looking for sympathy for the cause they aren’t going to find much here. Go get a job and live in the real world for a while where people get laid off and salary adjusted all the time. Nobody is forcing them to play NFL football for what the owners are offering. They are free to go to Canada or play IFL if they so wish.

So now they go to the courts, wonderful. Why do I pay attention to this stuff again?
The owners don't want to open their books probably because they don't want the other owners to see how much or what they do.

The players want the kids to boycott the draft and then A. Peterson comes out and compares themselves to modern day slaves. Give me a break.

The owners have more money than they know what to do with.

Time for both sides to stop and think about the fans. Peterson said without the players there would be no football. Well...without the fans there would be no football or big salaries.
I say screw them both, seriously.
Well, for my lousy two cents worth I think they can all go to hell. For people who make as much money as both sides do, they do way too much whining and complaining about each other and their plight.

The owners are hypocrites crying about not making enough money and then a large portion of them hold their cities and fans up for ransom, so they can get a new stadium without paying for it. Capitalism on one hand and socialism on the other. They can't have it both ways.

On the other hand, the players complain that they are not getting a big enough piece of the owners pie because their careers are generally short lived and have such high risk of injury. I don't see the military, police and firemen making that kind of money and they are in far greater danger.

We the fans have placed the owners and players on a pedestal, so now they think they're entitled. It's time to kick the pedestal out from underneath them and bring them back to reality.

Now, can somebody tell me how to get my season ticket money back. LOL [media]http://www.bgobsession.com/images/smilies/tantrum.gif[/media]

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