Whats worse?


Nov 17, 2010
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I live in the warmest city in the coldest provinc
Alma Mater
being stubborn or being stupid?

stubborn is sticking to your scheme.

Stupid is refusing to adjust it when its become obvious its not working.

Stubborn is trying to force your players to play YOUR way when they made it to the highest level of football playing THEIR WAY.

Stupid is consistently running off anyone who doesnt conform completely to your way including the best player on your roster.

Stubborn is forcing a scheme that you want to run when the team isnt ready. Like spurrier running a pass heavy offence with power running olinemen.

Stupid is ignoring the cost/benefit ratio for doing it.

I am not a professional head coach, the highest level Ive coached is university as a guest coach and semi pro as a DC on several teams that had great defences, but in reality my level of knowledge shouldnt be even remotely close to a guy who has access to pro film and pro scouting reports, so why then am I consistently right and our supposed pros consistently wrong? I would like to believe its my huge brain and awesomeness, but truthfully its because unlike them, I dont allow my ego to make my decisions. I love this team so all I want is to win, not to pad my legacy. I base what I say on what I see, and I have nowhere near the access that these guys do and thats scary.

This is not a pat me on the back thread, I saw someone accuse jimbo of that because a lot of what he predicted came true and he had the temerity to say so, this is me reiterating what a ****show this season is and expressing my dismay that some guy on a couch in northern alberta saw it coming and people getting millions of dollars didnt. (and im not the only one lol)

We are running the 3-4 because Shanny watched some film on the steelers and decided to run it without even looking at our roster. I don't even know what to say about that level of stupid. Pardon the pun its indefensible.

We traded high draft picks in a rebuilding year because shanny wanted an elway clone to work his magic with again without really watching film. The man is a genius, the only explanation is he didnt do his homework on this.

We lost our best defencive lineman in decades because our coach wanted to measure dinks in the media. Shanny has a history of doing this. when we needed a coach who understands players we got one who doesnt try.

What we need is more people to express their displeasure of watching as this team wastes huge amounts of resources to fix what wasnt broken, when it needs to fix what is. We need people not to fall into the trap of listening to the surface oriented media when our problems are deep rooted.

We need more people to understand that this is about multiple seasons of crap, THAT WE PUT UP WITH, WITH THE HOPE THAT WE WOULD AT LEAST HAVE SOME BENEFIT FROM THEM. We spent a decade building that defence and now on the cusp of being very good, we are now expected to swallow being crappy again because of someones whim? and people wonder why some of us are so angry about this? has anyone else noticed that when you sign big name egotistical coaches they make the EXACT SAME MISTAKES? Spurrier forced an ill suited scheme,Shannahan ditto.

We need Shannahan to show that he is capable of rational thought.
I know I cant be the only one who looks at this season and wonders what if?
the Ravens went to a superbowl with a superlative defence and a strong running game, and IMHO we were close to having a strong defence. im not saying we should be in the playoffs but how are we so much worse than last year?

If Shanny doesnt admit that the 3-4 is a failed experiement and sticks to his quote about how it "just needs time" I will continue to point out every failure because the truth is simple, the issues we have with this scheme are not solved by time, its A- a bad scheme (not just because its a 3-4 either lol)by a poor coord and B- a bad fit with the players we have.

Next off season almost the entire Offence will need upgrading, thats what we brought shannahan here to do LAST YEAR. FIX THE OFFENCE, if it was defence that was our problem we would have hired a defencive Head coach. It actually bugs me that Shannahan is so involved with the defence considering he has never shown an inkling of a clue defencively and he isnt starting now. if our offence was a top 5 unit I could understand. but its not SO SPEND YOUR TIME FIXING IT.

Here is my point, and I hope to god that it happens.... Ive thought about it a lot lately....

I honestly think what Snyder needs to do is hire a DC and give him complete autonomy, tell Shannahan to take his kid and go watch film and concentrate on getting this offence up to par. then tell the DC to make a scheme that will work with what he has and with minimal commitment to resources THIS OFFSEASON. thats how most teams do it, unless an HC has a background in being a DC I have never heard of one forcing schemes on the DC before. let him know he can have some free agents but the draft needs to go for offence, let him know that this season will be about him showing that he can use what he has, and that next offseason we will commit more resources to the defence once we get the O going.

I know its logical, makes sense and would give us some hope, exactly why im sure we will stick to the 3-4 be disgusting bad again next year and shanny will be gone by the end of next season, leaving us in worse shape than when he got here. but dont mind me, its not like I predicted anything correctly before.
What's worse is not knowing when to let go.

Being a smart guy, and knowing the definition of insanity, why do you continue to emulate, that which you so protest?

My guess is the 3-4 is here to stay.

Embrace it, and draw strength from the sharing of it.:)
LOL if the definition of insanity is repetition and hoping for another outcome, then colour me insane, at least I'm trying to do something other than throw my hands up and accept that we suck.

what I actually hope for, is that more and more people will start thinking for themselves instead of saying " well we cant change it so why talk about it" perhaps if they read something that shows sound reasoning based on analysis, they will figure out why something is stupid and bad and add their voice to the growing number of people willing to speak out.

There are solutions, and what I am hoping is that we look for them., Find talent in different ways, find solutions rather than more problems, dont accept the status quo.

simply put, I do not accept that the 3-4 is here to stay because it hurts us in the long and short run, and if it is then I do not want the moron who is forcing it out of ego to stay. if that means tossing Shannahan and admitting we made a mistake then so be it. I would rather he accept he made a mistake and find a real DC but I simply do not want to go through another 3 seasons like this one. and make no mistake, long term, this solution is not going to work (and by long term I mean 3 seasons which is likely the maximum timeframe.)

staying on the road to ruin doesnt demonstrate patience, it demonstrates stupidity.

You have a quote about Will from Victor Hugo, and its apt, people will go along with the mob rather than stand against it because its easier, not because they lack strength but they lack the will to stand for an unpopular opinion. At the beginning of this season the mob was all for this switch to the 3-4, false stats, rationalisations based on false assumptions were the order of the day, the few people who stood out and said " this simply wont work and is going to make a difficult task even more difficult" were pilloried and some of us were even told we werent true fans or my favourite " you don't know as much about defence as shanny, he won 2 superbowls" as though that made our points go away.

I get told " you shouldnt say that people who disagree with you are stupid", but thats not what im saying, not everyone who disagrees with me is being stupid, however the ones who do so without any valid reason? well lets just say those people arent using their brain and call it a day.

Any Redskin fan who cannot see the forest for the trees, needs to stop and ask, what are the common denominators between the coaches who have failed here and the coaches who were successful? after they do that they will see that being patient is not the virtue that people think it is.

would I prefer Shanny admit his mistakes? yes but he wont. so my solution gives him an out and at the same time, lowers the timeframe for tangible improvement on both sides of the ball. Shanny thinks everyone needs to be on his bandwagon, I believe that everyone just needs to be on one page, the winning page.
Another Ryman is right, the coaches are wrong thread is the worst of all. :)
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
Ry...I'm with you on this part of the equation: what's the plan to rectify the obvious strategic mistake they made on defense.
All I know is that the continuous soap opera surrounding this team is getting tedious. It has spanned multiple player generations and multiple coaching realms. It seems like too many people associated with this team are focused on anything other than actually playing well.
Ry...I'm with you on this part of the equation: what's the plan to rectify the obvious strategic mistake they made on defense.
"I honestly think what Snyder needs to do is hire a DC and give him complete autonomy, tell Shannahan to take his kid and go watch film and concentrate on getting this offence up to par. then tell the DC to make a scheme that will work with what he has and with minimal commitment to resources THIS OFFSEASON. thats how most teams do it, unless an HC has a background in being a DC I have never heard of one forcing schemes on the DC before. let him know he can have some free agents but the draft needs to go for offence, let him know that this season will be about him showing that he can use what he has, and that next offseason we will commit more resources to the defence once we get the O going."

Go back to a 4-3, run a more aggressive scheme, try to get AH on board but with a short leash obviously (it can be done) sign a couple key free agents and leave the draft for the offence. problem solved.

alaskan, thats bang on, we keep getting these big names with agendas and instead of being worried about winning and building a winner they do such random acts of idiocy that it beggars belief.

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