What's for Dinner?


The Commissioner
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Greensboro, NC
Military Branch
Marine Corps
Alma Mater
Tonight, it's spicy asian grilled chicken :)

I've marinated chicken breasts in the following:

20 oz. coca-cola
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup teriyaki sauce
squirt of lemon juice
squirt of orange juice (if you have time, put some orange zest in too)
1 teaspoon of freshly minced garlic
1-2 habanero peppers finely chopped
1 teaspoon powdered ginger (or a tablespoon or two of freshly grated)
1 teaspoon fresh ground pepper

This is a marinade I'd rate in my top 5 lifetime, and that's saying something. It's also amazing with steak. If you have time, can't emphasize enough - sub all fresh ingredients (ginger, lemon juice, orange zest, garlic). Nice thing is, if you don't have time you can use powdered ginger, commercial lemon and orange juice, and garlic from a jar, and it's still amazing). Habanero's are mandatory, and don't worry, it will give the meat just a hint of zing.


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mmm... i hope you are having some ice cold beer with that or a bottle of wine -- riesling would be obvious, or even a heavier, bold red...
I'm more of a beer guy, brew my own when I have time, but I appreciate a good wine too. It really IS all good :)
I'm waiting for my invitation to join you.

Already issued. We'll be eating well when you check-in to the 'Hotel Jeffries' enroute to the Panther's game :)
I'm more of a beer guy, brew my own when I have time, but I appreciate a good wine too. It really IS all good :)

And a damn fine brew you make sir! :claps: That was the highlight of my first tailgate as a season ticketholder!
Thanks LOD - I've been so damn busy the last 6 months, I haven't made a drop. Gonna have to crank out 5 or 10 gallons for this season. I'll set some aside for you :)
Thanks LOD - I've been so damn busy the last 6 months, I haven't made a drop. Gonna have to crank out 5 or 10 gallons for this season. I'll set some aside for you :)

:notworthy::notworthy: Much Thanks!!!!!:pint:
The result:


And yes. I'm aware I'm taking hi-def stills of chicken. That's why they call it the off-season :)
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Looks juicy.

(I'm definitely going to give it a try.)

Now if we can only get Pez to come across with the chicken wing recipe.
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My peppers are just now coming in in the garden, if I can keep the birds away. IS an AR 15 too much of a gun for birds?
That depends on the bird, now doesn't it Sarge? ;)
My peppers are just now coming in in the garden, if I can keep the birds away. IS an AR 15 too much of a gun for birds?

Sarge, if you encounter birds that would require an AR-15 to be dispatched you can pretty much count me out on visiting your neighborhood!:uhoh:
While I don't have photos (odd for me, I know) we did alright in the dinner department last night too...Sirloin Steak Pinwheels.

Take sirloin steak and pound it flat down to roughly a 1\4 inch in thickness. Pile on a layer of feta cheese, again roughly a 1\4 inch thick. Then cut into strips an inch to an inch and a half wide. Roll these up and stake it to keep the roll together. Slather with olive oil, then salt and pepper.

Toss these bad boys on the grill and cook to desired wellness (medium rare is the choice at this house).

Flank steak can be used as well with excellent results if sirloin is more than the old budget can handle. In fact, that is what we usually use here. You can also layer in some fresh spinach if you are of a mind to do so. We like it equally either way and usually make that decision spur of the moment.

Last night this was served with grilled asparagus, baby potatoes, bread and a tomato, mozzarella cheese and balsamic vinaigrette salad. An easy meal that looks and tastes a lot harder than it is.

Gotta try that chicken of yours, Boone. Sounds great.
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Had breakfast for dinner tonight including blueberry pancakes. The secret ingredient in tonight's pancakes - cinnamon! It was surprisingly good and apparently cinnamon is good for you...win-win! :)
Neo, those sound delicious...and Ren, we should have joined forces. I went out to my backyard and picked about a gallon of blueberries and made muffins for my kids for breakfast. The appropriate mix is 1/4 muffin to 3/4 blueberries :) Now that's 'comfort food'.
That ratio sounds perfect!!! Our blueberries were not freshly picked though :(

BTW, my uncle owns a flower farm somewhere outside Greensboro. I will have to find out exactly where.
Flounder stuffed with crabmeat - restaurant quality recipe I have
Butter & sugar corn on the cob (this is a northern variety)
Fresh picked green beans
Had breakfast for dinner tonight including blueberry pancakes. The secret ingredient in tonight's pancakes - cinnamon! It was surprisingly good and apparently cinnamon is good for you...win-win! :)

what, no beer with the cakes? next time try brouwerij lindemams belgian framboise:mmm:
Boone, your home brew is very good. Really enjoyed it the last time I had it. It would be cool to enjoy some again at one of this seasons tailgates. :biggrin2:

The wife came up with this over the weekend that turned out great.

We are getting a ton of sweet and spicy Banana Peppers from our garden right now and they are around 8" long and she came up with a recipe for them.

She made a standard stuffed pepper mix of ground beef and rice and stuffed the peppers with it and put them in a glass casserole dish with a can or two of Campbell's Tomato soup (Straight out of the can) and baked them just like you would if using green peppers and then topped it off the a 4-Cheese Mexican shredded cheese mix and it turned out fantastic.
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