what a deal!



A Republican Congressman appears shirtless on the Internet and promptly resigns. but a scumbag Democratic Congressman from NY blames everyone around him and refuses to vacate the institution he has dishonored. yea......change you can believe in!!!!
So a social conservative Republican was just caught soliciting on Craigslist and you're taking this as an opportunity to bash Democrats?
So a social conservative Republican was just caught soliciting on Craigslist and you're taking this as an opportunity to bash Democrats?

Unreal. The vitriol harbored against the Democrats by some people is at KKK, Nazi type levels. I really don't understand how you could come to hate someone so much b/c of their political views.
So a social conservative Republican was just caught soliciting on Craigslist and you're taking this as an opportunity to bash Democrats?


When God closes a door, he opens a window. Or something.
Hey, at least this married conservative republican politician was trolling for a female to cheat on his wife with. Now that is progress.
Unreal. The vitriol harbored against the Democrats by some people is at KKK, Nazi type levels. I really don't understand how you could come to hate someone so much b/c of their political views.
The words "Democrats" and "Republicans" are interchangeable here, with no loss of accuracy to the statement.
Unreal. The vitriol harbored against the Democrats by some people is at KKK, Nazi type levels. I really don't understand how you could come to hate someone so much b/c of their political views.

You mean this type of vitriol?


look, there's loonies on BOTH sides. theres good on BOTH sides. stop the freaking mud slinging and lets just laugh at this dude who posted on craigslists personal ads like he wouldnt get caught.

dude was kind of ripped too for an older gent.

Agree on all points.

After seeing the picture I realized that I am not as in shape as I thought I was.

That, in my opinion, is his most egregious offense. :)
1) I do so enjoy the equivocating: "well it happens on all sides..ipso facto it must be of the same magnitude and depth"

2) Guess the point was missed: for something that was comparatively minor...especially if one goes by noble Democrat axioms advanced during the Clinton harrassment episode ("it was just sex")......Lee immediately resigned. But Rangel? No problem! The system is working just fine...commit any crime...we don't care as long as you line up with our political ends! The Democrat credo!!!

comical how the issue of culpability and accountability is sidestepped.....nothing like zeroing in on the essential!
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1) I do so enjoy the equivocating: "well it happens on all sides..ipso fcato it must be of the same magnitude and depth"

The ironic thing is that what you are doing in this thread. A Republican gets caught doing something bad and instead of noting that he did something bad, you bring up a Democrat who did something bad to make the Republican look noble in comparison.

You started this thread. You decided to try and mitigate the actions of a guy who caught with his hand in the cookie jar. If you don't like that sort of thing don't start a thread doing it.

2) Guess the point was missed: for something that was comparatively minor...especially if one goes by noble Democrat axioms advanced during the Clinton harrassment episode ("it was just sex")......Lee immediately resigned. But Rangel? Why this piece of **** is still in office!

Yeah, Rangel is a bad guy. I don't think anyone is arguing against that. If that's your point I guess it's well taken ... though a few months late.

If your point is Democrats are nefarious, evil people with dastardly motives bent on world domination, well, that's your point in every thread. So no, we didn't miss that either. :)
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The ironic thing is that what you are doing in this thread. A Republican gets caught doing something bad and instead of noting that he did something bad, you bring up a Democrat who did something bad to make the Republican look noble in comparison.

You started this thread. You decided to try and mitigate the actions of a guy who caught with his hand in the cookie jar. If you don't like that sort of thing don't start a thread doing it.

Yeah, Rangel is a bad guy. I don't think anyone is arguing against that. If that's your point I guess it's well taken ... though a few months late.

If your point is Democrats are nefarious, evil people with dastardly motives bent on world domination, well, that's your point in every thread. So no, we didn't miss that either. :)

there you go again! what Lee did...isn't even in the same Universe as what Rangel done did. I could care less about Lee. I do detest the Democrats, however. but I've always felt that way about hypocrisy writ large.

and...nahhhh...they aren't evil. they're just incompetent, lying mother didlers....:)

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