Washington Post Redskins Coverage?

Dead Money

, Mike Wise HATE'r
Jul 25, 2009
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Has anybody else been pleased to see that the Post's coverage has seemed to become a little more "balanced" since the latest shift in reporters?

I don't have many specific examples, but I went from virtually boycotting their stuff to being pleasantly surprised and enjoying some of their more recent efforts. The recent article about London Fletcher had no real digs at ownership or management in it, a welcomed change from the not so recent past. The recent old days would have forced them to include on dig at Snyder for paying the new guys and not the valuable role playing veterans, blah blah blah... Stirring the pot seems to be a lesser prioirty these days no?

It couldn't have gotten worse for a little while there and it seems that the post is making strides to mend fences. I hope the ownership and management have as well and that we can channel out the negativity and just get back to football!

Is it just me? :insane:
No, it's not just you. JLC took a lot of the overtly negative agenda with him when he left. Jason Reid seems to have a good handle on the proper tone for the blog---he's not using it as a platform for his own biases as JLC so often did, but an entertainment vehicle with his own voice pretty much a background element.

Shows through in the regular reporting pieces in the sports section as well.

Whether or not that reflects a directive from the editor's desk or it just shows JLC had gone semi-rogue I don't know, or frankly care. It's just nice to be able to go to the major media outlet in the city for coverage on its number one sports draw, and not walk away half the time feeling like you've been standing in the checkout line at the grocery store getting your Redskins updates alongside the latest coverage of Brittney Spears' battle with cellulite.
You know Om....I get worried when I read some of your examples.....I understand them completely.
By the way, from what I read Brittney's winning.

It's Kirstie Alley I'm worried about.
I'm not just talking about the one major move, JLC but there are other contributors to on the scene I haven't had the pleasure of reading before. I saw an article by a woman(cant remember her name) but was fully prepared for a Sally Jenkins styled bashing, yet it was not. In fact it was feel good if I remember correctly.

Yeah the negativity was one thing but it was almost like it was done to stir the pot and create a divide b/w the players and ownership/mangement. Seems like the new regime has less of an axe to grind... I guess its up to the skins to do what they can to keep it from infecting the new group.

On the JLC move... he is like a girlie sideline reporter now... surprised he didn't go to TMZ! LOL
I think the tone has improved, but I'd be surprised if the drama between the Post and the Redskins is really over--I'd say things are more on hiatus.

If and when the 'Skins start winning big this whole thing will be moot.

FWIW, I do think that the Sports Bog and the Redskins Insider blogs are quite good.

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