Warpath Confidential: Davis earning time


Fred Davis is catching everyone’s eye in practice. He’s big, fast, and now focused. Davis’ biggest problem is Chris Cooley plays in front of him. But, Davis is now earning some time as the Redskins work on two tight-end schemes to get him on the field. “What I like about it is that he’s no nonsense. He’s [...]

with the unreliability of hammy thomas and gimpy kelly, maybe the answer is this 2-TE scheme where opposing defensive coordinators are kept off-balance, mismatches are exploited, and sleepy davis develops into a downfield offensive weapon.
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I am excited about the numerous options opening up. I am hoping between Hacket, Kelly and Thomas that one will stay healthy all year. With Davis coming on and Cooley playing well, let us hope our red zone offense gets better. It would be nice to see some TDs down there.
Beginning to wonder if there will be enough ball to go around with the reports of all 3 second year men getting their acts and health together and Moss, ARE, Cooley, Portis and Betts already in the regular rotation. Good problem to have though if it comes to pass.

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