WaPo (Via Text): Shanahan Deal Imminent


The Starter
Jul 15, 2009
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...barring any last minute snags.

WOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!! :sunny: :cool:

Now, if Lord Lilliput can just keep his mouth shut.....:paranoid:
Portis may as well pack his bags.

The irony of this is really thick.

In 2004 Portis is traded to the Redskins after saying Shanahan didn't respect him as a man because of the handling of his contract situation.

Then at the end of his career, guess who's coming to dinner :laugh:
In 2004 Portis is traded to the Redskins after saying Shanahan didn't respect him as a man because of the handling of his contract situation.

"Naw man, me and Mike is tight. That's all water under the bridge" yadda yadda yadda...... :cool3:

I'm sure you're right, BD. Still, it would have been nice to see the same Portis that played under Shanahan make a return.

:ciao: Clinton. Thanks for playing. You've already collected millions of Danny's "lovely" parting gifts.
Wonder what Portis is going to do with the pole in his basement? Will keep an eye on craigslist.
Nah, despite their reports, it's still not "officially" a done deal.

Unless they have an excess of great offensive linemen, I'm not sure they have anything the Redskins would want in a trade.
This just convinced me that a large portion of the Bronco fan base can't read. :)

Lanky, not to excuse the Broncos forum people from "imaginative" reading of news reports, but in my travels through NFL fan-forum-land I've noticed that neither literacy nor careful reading of news reports is required-or, in some severe cases-even considered a plus when it comes to posting. Some fan forums read like something you buy in supermarket checkout lanes. BGO is an obvious exception in its members' abilities to read and comprehend-there are others, but they are rare.
Nah, despite their reports, it's still not "officially" a done deal.

Unless they have an excess of great offensive linemen, I'm not sure they have anything the Redskins would want in a trade.

Yeah, my cynicism has made me rather pessimistic lately. I was being facetious. I enjoyed that they see us as potential victims of trade scenarios like they made the Bears last year.

I think it would be intriguing to have Brandon Marshall here, but only if it could be a player for player deal. NO DRAFT PICKS!

Serv, I was thinking of you as I ventured over there since you keep us up to date on the opposing teams fan's thoughts. I was wondering what there general feel for Shanahan was. It looks like they are mixed, but a majority have the same sort of sentiment we have for Coach Gibbs.

Lanky, in their defense, several members jumped on the OP for not seeing the story through.
Marshall probably won't be on the Broncos roster next season anyway.

Don't get me wrong, the Broncos have some tremendous players, but the guys the Redskins would probably want, Denver wouldn't trade.
Marshall probably won't be on the Broncos roster next season anyway.

Don't get me wrong, the Broncos have some tremendous players, but the guys the Redskins would probably want, Denver wouldn't trade.

Marshall is really the only one I would take from that team. The other players are really not of a need position. Sure, Dumervil would be nice but we are set at d-line.
I don't know if we are "set" at DLine - we could definitely use some more depth at DT AND DE.
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I don't know if we are "set" at DLine - we could definitely use some more depth at DT AND DE.
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Well I guess a rotation of Carter, Dumervil, and Orakpo would be pretty sick.
I'm lovin' this. Right now, Shanny is taking the danny to the cleaners because he knows that danny wants hte big name coach and he's the only one left.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall at Redskins Park

"And I want a kabillion dollars a year, GUARANTEED, no matter what. And I want a fleet of Porsches, and I want a helicopter to take me to the stadium for the games, and I want my choice of cheerleaders every weekend, and another kabillion dollars......................"

I'd be happy if he get a promise of no interference from the danny
it would be like the orbitz commercial sarge.

Talks went well enough that apparently Shanahan summoned his agent Sandy Montag to DC to start negotiating his contract. So either this is all a dog and pony show to make it seem like this deal hasn't been in place for months, or it really wasn't in place for months. Who knows?

I think its been done for awhile now. Just waiting for the Bugel retirement announcement and stuff. I bet Schefter will be the 1st to break the news since he is close with Shanhan.
I wouldn't be so sure.

The best football players on the Broncos are the ones that McDaniels is having the hardest time getting along with.

What is it with these former Bellichick assistants?

Mangini and now McDaniels are despised in their own locker rooms.

And Weis wasn't that big of a hit at Notre Dame either.
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