Vote: Redskins vs Rams for AFN Game of the Week


The Cheerleader
Sep 15, 2010
Reaction score
Ashburn, VA
Military Branch

The time has come to once again vote for the Skins as the game of the week for all our servicemen & women around the world.

For those of us lucky enough to be either STHs or live in the Redskins viewing area, watching the Skins on Sunday is a no brainer. For the last 5 years my cousin has been one of those lucky STHs. Well this year is different. He is deployed to the ME. He will be deployed until after the SB, meaning he will be missing not just football season, but all the joys that go with it (tailgating, BEER, hangin out with family and friends, talkin smack with Cowboy fans). The least I could do for him would be to start a thread each week asking the ES faithful to head over to AFN and vote for the Skins to be featured as the Game of the Week (voting closes at 9/12/12 at midnight EST):

As of this morning, these were the standings:

Baltimore Ravens @ Philadelphia Eagles 14%
Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ New York Giants 9%
Arizona Cardinals @ New England Patriots 6%
Cleveland Browns @ Cincinnati Bengals 3%
Kansas City Chiefs @ Buffalo Bills 6%
Oakland Raiders @ Miami Dolphins 3%
Minnesota Vikings @ Indianapolis Colts 7%
Houston Texans @ Jacksonville Jaguars 6%
New Orleans Saints @ Carolina Panthers 10%
Dallas Cowboys @ Seattle Seahawks 16% BOOOOOO
Washington Redskins @ St. Louis Rams 9%
New York Jets @ Pittsburgh Steelers 10%
Tennessee Titans @ San Diego Chargers 2%

We have a lot of work to do this week.....
Got my vote in - well, the vote belongs to Ricky, but he approves.
Voting as of this morning:

Baltimore Ravens @ Philadelphia Eagles 14%
Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ New York Giants 7%
Arizona Cardinals @ New England Patriots 6%
Cleveland Browns @ Cincinnati Bengals 3%
Kansas City Chiefs @ Buffalo Bills 5%
Oakland Raiders @ Miami Dolphins 3%
Minnesota Vikings @ Indianapolis Colts 6%
Houston Texans @ Jacksonville Jaguars 5%
New Orleans Saints @ Carolina Panthers 11%
Dallas Cowboys @ Seattle Seahawks 17% BOOOOOO
Washington Redskins @ St. Louis Rams 12%
New York Jets @ Pittsburgh Steelers 9%
Tennessee Titans @ San Diego Chargers 2%

Don't add insult to injury by forcing our duty-bound service men & women to be subjected by to watching the Cowboys on top of being so far from home!!!

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