Ugh, and more ugh

Burgundy Burner

The Commissioner
Joe Gibbs Club Member
Oct 1, 2009
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
Alma Mater
You probably heard that it got to 108 here in NJ today. Well, that was further to the north of us. It did hit 102 around most of the area, but we topped off at 99 at the local station - not that I'm complaining. Another round of heat tomorrow.

About thirty minutes ago, we had a small thunderstorm go through and drop about one inch of rain in fifteen minutes. It was wicked with constant lightning/thunder and some powerful winds. Tons of leaves and branches are on the ground. The sun is out again - this will make it very steamy this evening - the worst kind of humidity. By Monday, the temps will be back to normal - thank goodness.

What's it like your region?
My region.....

You just described the regular weather pattern for this time of year, though we're only in the mid to upper 90's, and the storms drop a bit more rain and last a bit longer. Lots of debris, and broken tree branches, but it was a bit slow today with no small tornadoes.

I rode the bike home in it all.
Nasty! Reminds me of South Florida.
102 or 104 here today, depending on which station you look at. On my personal station, I got 103.6 around 4:30 this afternoon for a high. Combine that with the 80% humidity we had most of the day, no clouds, and 115-120 heat index, and it was pretty damn miserable to say the least.

The part that really sucks, is they said it will be hotter tomorrow. I'm starting to strongly consider my wife's idea of moving to Alaska to be near some of her family.

My brother just called me from Austin to gloat about the 30% humidity he got to enjoy today. They had the same temperature we did, but their heat index was 99 and ours peaked at 121. **** humidity.

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