ive seen every episode of MASH at least once.
I might have to get around to watching it at some point, because I've never once heard anyone say it sucked.
It's all personal opinion and not everyone is going to agree.
I agree. Do you see what I did there
Cheers was one of the best series on TV for the time as evidenced by it's tremendous success.
Ratings success is not a measure of whether a show is good or not. We have all seen a show or ten that we thought was one of the greatest ever put on tv, only to see it canceled due to a lack of ratings.
Sometimes I wish some people would add, "I believe" in front of some of their statements, it would save us all a bit of angst when reading threads but that is just me being high and mighty I guess...
I put the words "I think" in my post several times, isn't that the same thing?
Raising Hope has terrible acting, and is made up of unoriginal redneck jokes.
I agree with you 1000% that the acting is beyond horrible for the most part, but Chloris Leachman is a genius in it. By you saying it is a bunch of unoriginal redneck jokes, that is evidence enough to me that you couldn't possibly have watched more than one episode, because there is absolutely nothing redneck about the show at all. I have seen all but maybe 1 or 2 episodes, and can't recall any redneck joke ever being made.
It's about a guy who lost his virginity to a serial killer and got the girl pregnant, then he got custody when the mother was executed. He lives with his idiot parents and his mentally unstable grandma that drifts in and out of lucidity. It's basically about a seriously dysfunctional family, and nothing at all to do with rednecks. There is never a NASCAR, trailer, or any other redneck stereotype reference, nobody on the show drinks, I just don't get what episode you saw.
I don't get people who don't like Seinfeld. One of the most brilliant sitcoms ever put on television, hands down.
Opinion, but in my opinion it's one of the most undeservedly praised sitcoms ever written.
Its ironic that you don't like Seinfeld yet you love Curb Your Enthusiasm - its essentially the same show (same formula, anyway).
SImilar formula, not the same, but every show is different. On Seinfeld, you always knew Jerry was gonna play the confused and befuddled Jew, regardless of the situation, Michael Richards was always gonna burst through a door or stumble into the room sweating and a nervous wreck mumbling some idiotic statement, and Jason Alexander was always gonna be stuck in a situation where you thought man, how does this stuff always happen to this guy? It's the same script week after week, completely recycled.
Here is probably what I consider the top 10 funniest sitcoms of all time:
1. Seinfeld
2. Are You Being Served?
3. The Office (Steve Carrel version)
4. Party Down (if you haven't seen Party Down, its essentially The Office in the catering business setting)
5. The Simpsons
6. Futurama
7. Friends
8. Curb Your Enthusiasm
9. Sanford & Son
10. M*A*S*H (if you've truly never seen an episode, you should.)
I'm gonna have to watch MASH when I get a chance, just so much praise for it not to be funny. I forgot all about Futurama, that **** is genius.
Number 2,3 and 4 I have never seen either. I'm a huge Steve Carrel fan, so I don't know why I never got around to watching The Office when he was on.
PS - Keith Richards is the drug-infused guitarist for the Rolling Stones, Michael Richards played Cosmo Kramer.
The funny thing is, in my mind I typed Michael Richards lol.
PPS - You contradict yourself several times in that post, including saying you like original or raunchy comedy, but leaving the Sitcom founding fathers (M*A*S*H, Cheers, Friends) off your best list, and leaving raunchy comedy like South Park off your list.
I never saw MASH, and my disdain for Cheers is mainly because I hate damn near everyone on it. As far as Friends, that was not a founding father of anything, nor was it original. You could make a case that it ripped off shows prior like Happy Days and Cheers.
As far as South Park goes, I was a fan season 1 and 2, before it became the same jokes on an endless loop. Besides, I didn't say I liked every single original or raunchy comedy