TV Distribution Maps - Week 14

Man that's terrible, dropped big time, but hey, you get what you are I guess.
Actually, with ticket prices so cheap, I think I am gonna go to the game!

Didn't go. Too cold and rainy. I sat through the Eagles game in that weather, not today. If it were snow, I would go. This is just miserable weather.
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I'm gonna stay home for this one, I've sat in the freezing cold and rain too many times, only to see us get destroyed, might not be playing the Giants, but I'm not gonna even bother with this one.
Updated to let everyone know that the Giants-Vikings game has been moved to Monday night. More of us may be able to see the Redskins game - stay tuned.
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Really stupid move by FOX. All areas that were getting the Vikings-Giants game are now getting the Packers-Lions game. What happened to teams in your division (Philly-NY-Dallas markets) getting air-time??? The IQ levels of some of these TV types are lower than...

Well, according to the link(which is dead now for some reason) by BB it said MOST people will get the GB vs DET.

I usually get all the Skins games, but they were also going to show the Giants/Vikings game before the incident. I'm holding out hope.

Edit: Hell yea, i'm getting The Skins!

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