TV Broadcast schedule for this weekend (by map)

After 12 years of dealing with that crap, I am so grateful to be back in the DC area (But only in the fall! LOL!)! I will likely go to the game again this week. Not trying to rub it in BB, but I know what you are going through and am glad I don't have to do it anymore.
I'm ok with it. The internet is getting better each season and I'll be fine. It's nicer to have it on my big screen, but this huge, wide screen monitor is pretty good.

I seemed to have lucked out-according to the map my section of North Carolina's got the Skins/Texans game. Cool.
I really feel for our geographically-challenged fans. Once every couple of years, I'll miss one game because of some obscure NFL broadcast rule and it drives me nuts. You guys that have to find ways around that gar-bot-chay all the time have my respect.
Since the Broncos are playing the late game on Fox, I wouldn't have any sound in the sports bar so it looks like the Internet for me. :(
In NYC there are a lot of blackouts and missed games, unfortunately; I may head to a sports bar, but hard to do that with a 2 year old for 4 hours :)

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