Top 10 Worst Celebrity Tippers

When I was serving tables in Palm Beach County, I cringed every time the American Express Black card came out. Generally speaking, as a percentage, they were the worst tippers. It was almost a guaranteed 15%.
I've heard that about Tiger. He acts like you should be tipping him for the honor to wait on him. Cornelius Bennett was always very cool to me, would ask for a table in my station, and sign as many pieces of paper as I would give him for autographs, then leave me a sweet tip. (He never ate...just drank Coors Light.)
Noticed that most of the people on that list always talk about voting to help out the little guy and then turn right around and stiff the little guy.

Well, if it's any consolation, Josh Beckett tipped me VERY well the year after he was the MVP in the World Series.
Logan Paulsen visited a restaurant my wife and I used to work at (we have friends that still work there.) He left no tip (or very, very little tip.)

On the flip side I know some people that work at an apartment complex Alfred Morris lives (lived?) in and he's everything he's advertised as and more.

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