Tickets for sale


Just an FYI for anyone that's interested

Dear Redskins Fan,

Due to Player/Sponsor Ticket Returns, a limited number of General Admission tickets, including lower level, are available for the Redskins vs. Cardinals game on September 18. Ticket prices start at $64 (plus tax). If you are interested in purchasing tickets for the Redskins vs. Cardinals game at face value, please click here.

Due to the limited number of tickets, we expect they will be sold out quickly. For more information and to purchase Inside-the-Beltway parking, contact the Redskins Ticket Office at 301-276-6050.
Am I the only one waiting for a punch line here?
I get those emails every game. the hold Gen Ad tickets till last minute for various reasons. Kinda annoys me because it seems a lot of em get snatched up by opponents fans. tHERE'S GOT TO BE A BETTER WAY OF DOING THAT SO MORE HOMETOWN FANS ARE BUYING THE TICKETS. Bah caps lock.
If anyone is interested in going to the game this weekend they should check out Stubhub. There are some seriously low prices out there, like the club party deck for less than $20.

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