Thursday Night Football Sucks


The Legend
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Waynesboro, VA
Alma Mater
James Madison
Seriously, has there been a well-played game thus far? The quality of play is terrible, I'd have to imagine the injury risk goes up, and it screws up fantasy football rosters. At the bare minimum, they need to arrange the schedules so the only teams who play on Thursday are coming off the bye, that would improve the play quality at least, and might cut down on injuries as well.

And yes, the same holds true for the Thanksgiving Day games. Fixing the schedules can NOT be that difficult anymore.
I'm against thursday night football in general because I think it waters down the product. I have been since they announced the change.

And they can't do anything for the first 4 weeks where there are no byes, or the last however many weeks where there are no byes.

I think they just need to go back to no thursday night football until after thanksgiving.
Yeah really - Miami vs. Buffalo? Awful. Who was the genius who chose that game for national television?

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