The Rockford Files.....2010


Dunno ... James Garner was a bit more, um, masculine than Mulroney, but given it's 2010 and male TV leads have to be a bit more 3-dimensional (read: PC, liberated or complicated) than they did back in the day, I suspect it will come down to the writing. If it's well-written and smart, it will do fine. If it's just another cookie-cutter nightime soap masquerading as cop drama, it won't last a season.

As to the original show, for the uninitiated, here's The Rockford Files in all it's glory via the magic of the interwebz.
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I wonder what the opening credits are going to do? I mean, look how far we've come. I remember thinking "Cool! A machine that answers your phone! Here come the Jetson's!

Maybe Rockford could have a virtual private detective agency, and the opening credit would have him on facebook saying leave an email.

Actually, on second thought, probably oughta stick with the answering machine after seeing what's on Youtube nowadays
I remember the Rockford files very well. Not looking forward to the reboot version. Knight Rider is a prime example of taking a hit show and bombing with the new version.
Just awful.

How about if they want this guy for a show. Come up with an idea that's a bit better.
Gotta agree with Om, Mulroney is no James Garner. What's next? Is there a Barnaby Jones remake coming? Who out there could be Jack Klugman in Quincy M.E.? Baretta? Kojak?

I don't know if it is so difficult for the writers to come up with new ideas, we're saturated with so many channels of TV they cannot possibly come up with any new ideas or the TV audience has been dumbed down, but TV just ain't what it used to be!

This is why I like F/X, TNT and other cable networks drama. Although F/X has run a couple series too long, i.e. Nip/Tuck, The Shield was outstanding and I hated to see it end. TNT, has had a few hits, I hear Sons of Anarchy is great I just haven't had the opportunity to follow it.

Other than Law and Order on NBC, I have not been able to watch anything on the major Networks except for a few sit-coms (Two and a Half Men and 30 Rock) because they seem to have lost something. I have tried 24 a couple of times, but it is the same thing every week, conclude the crescendo from the previous week, build a new story line, then leave us hanging til the following week while introducing a new twist...wash, rinse, repeat!
Personally, I've never seen this dude before, but there is a definate derth of men in both TV and the movies. Most are kinda, as Arnold would say, girlie men.

Garner was rough and tough, both in real life and as Rockford. I've already accepted the fact that that's probably not going to be the way it is on this new show

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